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manic mary

17th July 2018, 10:41
Good afternoon All! I have finished the grid apart from 10a/11d for which I have a french definition of a farm & sliders, neither of which I can parse. I have both the top and bottom lines and the two sides but what do I high-light? Top line? Bottom line? Both sides? Nothing seems to add up to both 4 words and 16 letters. Help please.
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17th July 2018, 11:31

10a is Baa (banzai heartless with the i as extra)
11d is akee- Rakee is a spirit take r for river off the top.

You highlight the winner after sorting out the clash cell and

'It's not' in penultimate row


'Coming home' in bottom row.

It is a pun on the original lyrics.
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manic mary

17th July 2018, 12:14
Thank you, all very obvious when explained. Also, had the wrong plural for 17a.......!
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17th July 2018, 17:09
Can't find anyone here who has struggled to parse ABJECT. There seem to be two defs (throw out, and slave) but where does the drug bit come in?

Also, I see that one solver has commented on how clever it was to set a puzzle that couldn't be solved until a few hours after publication, but has no one stopped to marvel that it couldn't have been set and submitted until after Wednesday's match? That's a pretty amazing achievement. The Telegraph crossword editor must have waved it through, as I can't see there being enough time for the usual vetting process.
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17th July 2018, 17:21
With sailor taking drug, throw out slave (6) Abject

My parsing is often dodgy, but …

AB = Sailor
Eject = throw out
Taking drug = remove the E (Ecstasy), so Ject.

Does this work?
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17th July 2018, 19:47
Many thanks and, yes, it does work, but in a convoluted sort of way. Perhaps the clues had to be rushed out to meet the highly unusual deadline requirements.
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17th July 2018, 20:15
Thanks, Iona. I wondered if the setter had prepared a version for a successful outcome for ….a team closer to home.
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17th July 2018, 23:12

Yes it was a brilliant achievement to do it so quickly - but it helped that the compiler IS the Editor, so it short-cuts the normal process.

He might have had several versions to cover all possibilities, but I bet he just knocked out this one in a couple of days. I agree about some of the clues - but he wont have had enough time to polish them.

When entries have closed, I might ask how many versions he had.

Brilliant effort.
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