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16th July 2018, 15:29
I couldn't think of a hint (requested!) for that one.
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16th July 2018, 16:01
Thanks malone and scarlett! Got 3d after the other two. Can't think why I couldn't see 1d! Had never heard that name for the writer in 8a!
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16th July 2018, 16:07
Glad I could help. Re 1 D, we've all done it - got stuck on little/easy clues!
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16th July 2018, 16:22
Still not finished with this one I'm afraid. Is 25d ' Sixers', and if so what does that make 24ac? I already have the clash. Clue for 25d is 'New Cub leaders when first son leaves could be foreigners'(6)
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16th July 2018, 17:03
I may be wrong but I took Cub leaders to mean tigers.
24a : three letters for stop+ three for support (golf) +r.

If you look around the cell with clash,you will see the 2018 winner.
You already know the winner so not hard to locate.

I do not know what 16 cells to highlight.
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16th July 2018, 17:13
Sunray, my Cub leaders are Sixers. If you swap the first S, as per the clue, you'd get Nixers, foreigners (as in jobs done off the books).

The highlighting is basically a repudiation of the main theme of the song...
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16th July 2018, 17:15
Sory, Bigf, I forgot that it was you who mentioned Sixers!
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16th July 2018, 17:31
malone, thanks.
Found the 16 letters.

As Cubs Baseball fans say, there's always next year!
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16th July 2018, 20:10
I'm probably being exceedingly dim here, but if Malone's 'nixers' is correct (and I have absolutely no reason to doubt it), I have ?anter for 24ac - the 't' becomes an 'n' after the clash. Despite combing Chambers for possibilities, I can find nothing leading me to 'one dieting'. Arrrgh!
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16th July 2018, 20:21
Bigf, I had Sixers, Cub leaders (they could be foreigners if the first S went, changed) - that was the only way I could get 24 A to work. For that I had Faster, one dieting. I explained that (to myself!) as Fasten, support... stop = shorten it, so Faste and add 'r' (ultimately hinder). Hope this a) makes sense and b) is correct!
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