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16th July 2018, 20:40
for 24a i had banting as the dieting bit ban te (e) r for the grid fill giving the "clash" which i then changed to banNer to fit the highlighted victor . ( E was extra)
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16th July 2018, 20:47
Scarlett is correct with banter

It has to be Nixers Malone as otherwise the N (new) in wordplay doesn’t make sense.

N sixers with the first s missing gives nixers.
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16th July 2018, 21:01
Thanks, Scarlett and Dja… I shouldn't have given up trying to fit in my Nixers! I was rushing at that point as it was time for the big sporting event on Sunday... Wimbledon.
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16th July 2018, 21:55
Dear all

Thanking you for your postings. As usual I was completely wrong. I very smugly posted early on Sunday that I had finished it - how wrong I was.

I saw the team that beat England in the diagonal and thought that was it. How clever of the compiler to know they were going to win it. I could not understand the need for a clash - now I realise that the other finalist is in another diagonal.

I had Waster for the dieter but thanks Scarlett - it must be from Banting which I had not heard of.

So a crossword that was insoluable until several hours after publication - very clever

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16th July 2018, 22:03

Who did Wimbledon play on Sunday - a friendly? - I have looked for their score but cant find it - did you go?
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16th July 2018, 22:39
Re the highlighting a friend and I have a difference of opinion.

My phrase is 3-3 and the bottom unclued (6-4) to make the 16.

That seems to fit the theme.

He has something else. Am I missing something?

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16th July 2018, 23:27
jigjag - Tennis - Mens Final.....
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17th July 2018, 08:22
Dja, I've got the same as you - but maybe we're both wrong! My answer seems to fit totally with the theme. I did feel, though, that it could be rubbing salt into the wound for many!
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17th July 2018, 08:26
Thank you to everyone - I now don't feel quite so dim as there has been difference of opinion on faster/banter. I looked at 'banter' in Chambers but omitted to scrutinise the next listing 'banting'.
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17th July 2018, 09:20
I agree Malone. A few people have emailed me to say they have the same as us. So if we are wrong we are in good company.
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