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norah (admin)

14th June 2018, 09:22
I have received complaints about this thread, particularly Ginge’s post No 38, and the way it subsequently degenerated into an argument.

Can I please remind all users that this is not what Ash and I want on the Forum, it is meant to be a friendly place where good humoured banter is more than welcome. No back biting is allowed.

I do not know the full ins and outs of the argument but could you all please stop behaving like children in the playground and get back to your normal friendly selves.
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14th June 2018, 11:01
Hi folks, I owe you all an apology especially drgordons (which I have done on the other thread) and your good self jazzy. I'll now copy the email I sent to Norah which hopefully explains what happened. I'm still feeling somewhat under the weather and I'll post the result later when I'm in a position to give due consideration to all entries.

Hi Norah,
sorry about you having to get involved.
I'll shortly apologise with an explanation. Unfortunately, I'm a chronic hay fever sufferer and until this year got an injection twice a year but this medication has been withdrawn to adverse effects eg bone necrosis and my doc is experimenting with alternatives.
Again, I ignored the instruction to avoid alcohol, which I partake of considerably and as a consequence I suffered a panic attack and experienced an attack of paranoia. The tablets are now in the bin as I'm unlikely to abstain from the demon drink and I've made another appointment with my GP.
Again, sorry.
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14th June 2018, 11:03
Sorry to hear about your health problems, ginge - I hope that you can get sorted soon.
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14th June 2018, 11:10
Hi Ginge,

That explains a lot as far as a behaviour which is certainly not the
norm for you!
I too wish all the best for a speedy recovery.
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14th June 2018, 11:22
Neil - my ex uses local honey and it completely eliminates her severe hay fever symptoms during pollen season. I just spoke to the London shop - hive honey - on your behalf but they only have London and environs honey. Have a look near you for some locally produced honey. It may be just what you need! N.B. it takes a fortnight to kick in so start early.
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14th June 2018, 11:25
Hi, Ginge!
I don't normally look in on this thread, but did so today to see what all the hoo-ha was about!
I'm so sorry to hear that you have been having health issues...hay fever can be a huge problem......and hope you get it all sorted out soon, and start to feel better.
Take care!
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norah (admin)

14th June 2018, 11:28
No problem Ginge. It’s great that you took the trouble to explain about your health problems. I think everyone involved will let you off having read your explanation, especially as this appears to be an isolated incident. Let’s hope the doctor can sort it out soon

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14th June 2018, 11:30
hi Ginge
I am sorry to hear of your blip in health. I am also sorry Norah had to get involved (I did not make any complaint but others must have )
It was so unlike you and please take care of yourself.
All the best with your GP.

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14th June 2018, 11:57
I'd like to endorse Paul's local honey suggestion. I also suffer from hay fever, thankfully not for several years but with a vengeance this year. My mother used to go to Birkenhead covered market for relief, but no-one in their right mind could stay there for long! However, no pollen there or for some way around. Local honey (and it has to be that) tastes delicious and works. And I can't see how it could interact with alcohol!
Hope a solution is found for you quickly
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14th June 2018, 16:18
Hi ginge, sorry to hear about your hay fever problem. I had hay fever for 45+ years. They tried an injection in the early years, but it didn't work for me - and given where it was administered, it was truly a pain in the gluteus maximus. I presume that medical science has since enabled more people to benefit, but it wasn't mentioned again. On the subject of local honey, I tried that too, but it also didn't work for me - but, of course, that shouldn't deter you from having it. 4-5 years ago, it suddenly went - but then I became asthmatic! Hey ho - ageing human bodies ...

Anyway, hope you're feeling better.

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