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13th June 2018, 17:39
Ginge - a bit harsh on a new forum member (drmorgans) who joined Answerbank 2007 and is a regular poster there . He recently joined this forum 30 May 2018.
Maybe he does not know cryptic rules and is unaware a clue always requires a definition. Perhaps drmorgans can confirm this.

(Not sure what is meant by f.a. !!)

We have lost many members recently and this forum is desperately quiet of late. We may have just lost another member .
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13th June 2018, 17:53
Hi jazzy, taking posts at face value can result in misconceptions, for example; like you assuming I was responsible for the goose chase of a thread that went on for a while until I pointed out the anagramatic name of the poster. However, here rings many bells (it's a pity Les is no longer a regular contributor).
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13th June 2018, 17:56
I've no idea what you are on about, ginge. Sorry for my intrustion.
Back to my music.......
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13th June 2018, 18:01
Hi again jazzy, a ridiculous clue that several people including myself tried to help with until I posted the "anagramatic" nature of the initial poster if which I was then accused of being the originator by your good self.
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13th June 2018, 18:03
What on earth ginge. I have never accused you of anything, and have always been polite to you and humorous. Honestly, I have no idea what you are about
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13th June 2018, 18:07

As you point out I am new to this forum (and definitely nothing to do with “redelf”). I was unaware that clues on this topic should be in a particular format.

I joined to the forum because it provides useful parsing of clues to the Private Eye crossword, which other websites tend not to. So I will stick to that in future.

Thank you
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13th June 2018, 18:10
Hi again jazzy, I'm referring to a post that we all thought genuine, (regular contributors including myself, Mamya, yourself, rusty etc) that went on for days with everyone involved really trying to help before I posted the anagram possibility.
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13th June 2018, 18:12
I cannot recall any such thread. Maybe it was years back. But I am definitely sure I would not have accused you or anyone. If you find the thread, I am sure this will confirm. I have had enough of this stupidity
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13th June 2018, 18:14
Ask rusty!
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13th June 2018, 18:15
Rusty is taking a break from the forum. I think that is a good idea on his part !!
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