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12th June 2018, 07:32
Welcome to Clueless, our informal weekly clue setting competition.

The idea is to compose a cryptic clue to a given word or phrase.

The winner of the previous week's competition both sets the word to be clued and judges the entries for the current week.

The judge's decision is final and reasons may or may not be given at the judge's discretion. It is customary for the judge to award a virtual prize to the winner.

Multiple entries may be submitted and new competitors are particularly welcome.

Clues should be submitted by 18:00 Wednesday, 13th. June, with the winner to be announced shortly after.

The answer to be clued is:


Have fun and feel free to explain your clue.
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12th June 2018, 08:09
Prove right - align it (7)

Overlapping definitions: prove right and right align it
2 of 77  -   Report This Post


12th June 2018, 10:15
Record company quietened down panel by removing the right to overly explain (7)
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12th June 2018, 10:16
Delicacy needs be no more than hard water (7)
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12th June 2018, 10:25
Make excuses for naked ju-jitsu move on female at the end of the day (7)
5 of 77  -   Report This Post


12th June 2018, 10:29
Make believe, only, provided the unknown (7)
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12th June 2018, 10:42
Another indication announced the essence of objectivity (7)

Another = anagrind

announced = jist sounds like gist
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12th June 2018, 10:53
Explain how you line up your writing (7)
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12th June 2018, 10:56
Rationalise only one accounting period. (7)
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12th June 2018, 12:02
Give grounds for mashing juicy fruits then generally take the piss (7)
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