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5th June 2018, 07:14
Hello Murky,
tthank you for clear explanation of the meaning of & lit, and of the difference between that and semi & lit. Rather at a loose end this morning now that I have completed the crossword!
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5th June 2018, 09:30
Thank goodness for this site and for ALL of the contributions. Without them I would have given up after reading the preamble. As an improving novice I rely on contributions made here. I have finished finally. It would be a real pity for any contributer to stop posting. I can see how difficult it is to give constructive help and hope that I can continue to benefit from contributions from s_Pugh and others.
152 of 186  -   Report This Post


5th June 2018, 13:28
Agreed Catkin
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5th June 2018, 20:42
Hi all. Took a look at this yesterday and from the sheer volume of posts realised at once it was a stinker! Having great difficulty in filling in the grid despite having solved most of the clues (with the help of the forum of course). However am stuck on a few clues, in particular 6, 10 and 25. Any hints would be welcome please.
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5th June 2018, 20:55
Goshawk, 1o and 15 I found v diff but

6 Delicate = nice

25 (some posters complained) Gigas is the ancient greek for giant

10 (I think) Diana
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5th June 2018, 23:35

25 def is Heave in the sense of vomit; anagram of THE and CONTAINER with the filling removed

10 is a reversal of AN AID (see Chambers)

You didn’t ask about 24, where the definition is Dances and the wordplay depends on some knowledge of Greek (see the etymology for giga- and gigantic)
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6th June 2018, 09:31
Many thanks woodlouse and rad. Now for a retry filling the grid.
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6th June 2018, 10:22
So close to completing this. I've solved all bar one of the clues, I have the grid more than 3/4 filled. I have the theme and its alias. I have the 'nature of the match' (I think.... certainly the first and third words and almost certainly the second).

What's holding me up is Octogon 9 where I just can't solve the clue, although I have the letter in the central cell and a couple of options from adjacent Squares. This is preventing me from finalising others in the NE part of the grid. So a nudge (not the answer please) for clue 9 would be most helpful. Many thanks.
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6th June 2018, 11:08
The last two words of the clue are the definition, simond9x
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6th June 2018, 12:01
Thanks. Hopefully can complete puzzle now!
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