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4th June 2018, 13:12
i have r + enek, s + beef, f+ u or l dre and traer .....will look now how these can be ciphered from the octagons ?

i still need 2 of the octagons... i have the 2 snakes ??
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4th June 2018, 13:16
so 1 of my snakes goes with s beef .... looking hopeful!
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4th June 2018, 13:28
meursault - I was looking for two snakes described by the four words (as in pit viper and so on) whereas I think the answer is four separate words that could be linked to either of the two theme words. I don't think I've explained that very well but I hope it may help.
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4th June 2018, 13:39
Thanks Planks. I'm there now. The setter used each word of the theme individually. The second half of Orson's comment #125 was a useful tip.
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4th June 2018, 14:07
Kirky, the word from the letters RENEK is KERNE. If you have Bradford's check the list of thematic words to find one in which the second and last letters are the same, then check to see if the other letters match up.

The thematic word in the SW unclued octagon is paired with the square where you have F R U.
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4th June 2018, 16:32
Thanks Murky.... 3 of the 4 pairs now sorted (if top middle octagon is a drug?)
Still stuck with the top left octagon for which i have N + E or N, G + 2 more? The matching square is eluding me as there could be 4 answers for it which doesn't help. Sorry if i am being very stupid here!
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4th June 2018, 16:41
Sorry Meursault I've been away and only just spotted your post. Just to clarify as posted earlier (#69) I did not mean to have a go at anyone, and indeed tendered my apologies to Keepatit if he/she had interpreted it in that way, an apology that still stands. Looking at my original post which was intended more with a touch of irony than anything else I'm astonished that such a big deal is being made of it.

To re-affirm Keepatit, I sincerely apologise if you think my comments were a personal attack, it was most certainly not my intention.

All I have ever done here is try and point people in the right direction where I felt that I could do so. In the light of all this palaver I think it would be best if I refrained from posting here henceforth.

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4th June 2018, 16:46
Kirky - one last post as I spotted yours - that octagon 'maps' to the square immediately to the left of the one at 18 if that helps.
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4th June 2018, 16:47
kirky, assuming you have all 5 letters from the matching square then you can work backwards to deduce what the five letters in the octagon are. The key is the double letter. If N were repeated in the octagon, the shift would be +4 and the G would not work.
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4th June 2018, 16:50
Yes i know which square it is , as it's the only one i have left but I don't know which word to choose for the T RAER combo and i only have N E/N G for the remaining octagon
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