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15th April 2018, 14:04
Nigerian currency, keep first and last letter, only possible word is a Japanese city, by removing the I?
31 of 40  -   Report This Post


15th April 2018, 14:06
Lumen, all the other dropped letters share a position in the clue's solution - not the last letter, but the one before. The resulting entry at 23 A is in Chambers.
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15th April 2018, 16:04
This is taking longer than it should. Doubtless all will become clear once it's finished. I have five of the seven, but am stuck with 7 and 38. Is the answer to 7 a Prime Minister? If the missing letters of the seven fancy words really come to 7,2,11 then there's an awful lot of letters missing from the two I haven't got. Plough on ...
33 of 40  -   Report This Post


15th April 2018, 16:07
Cockle, there were four letters missing in some answers, guess which two?!

Hint, for 7 - The definition is Overwhelming
for 38 An old, Shakespearean word for 'put away'.
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15th April 2018, 16:09
PS. 7 A doesn't involve a Prime Minister, he/she is there only to provide letters!
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16th April 2018, 14:07
Thanks Malone and everyone else.
I have got the theme phrase and more or less finished this now, one crux left is where 31d meets 41a.
41a answer meaning colours from leaves seems to have lots of variant spellings....
Does 31d mean 'only some', and is it 2,4?
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16th April 2018, 14:35
Hi lumen,
I don't have the puzzle to hand but from memory 31d definition is something like "of benefit to only some", but definitely (2,4) a legal term.
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19th April 2018, 16:09
Anyone got 27ac? Just that one left and I can't see how it can work.

"Intense game ultimately bends in trouble".

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19th April 2018, 16:36
dense ...anagram of ends + e (ultimate of gamE)... entered in the grids as dene. The E came from the down clue... pleasing 19d
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19th April 2018, 17:12
Can't believe I wrote the A in wrong. Thanks Kirkster.
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