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15th April 2018, 11:56
Yes, 23a & 33a, but keeping last letter not alluded to in rubric!

Have phrase, but are the other "mistakes" meant to give us anything else?
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15th April 2018, 12:05
They aren’t alluded to because the phrase itself alludes to them.

The other letters don’t appear to mean anything.
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15th April 2018, 12:06
By missing out a letter and always keeping the last letter you are doing what the phrase asks.
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15th April 2018, 12:14
Keeping the first letter too - in all the ones I've solved?
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15th April 2018, 12:18
Yes correct Lumen.
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15th April 2018, 12:30
Hi all, I tried juggling the remaining letters. Nearest to anything meaningful I can get is 'Only the true see error', except that is with an extra 'o' so, as djawhufc says, the puzzle revolves around two interpretations of the three- word phrase.
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15th April 2018, 13:42
That's it done then! I wanted more to do!
Thought I was missing something or had wrong letters when I noticed 'ERR' a couple of times but could see nothing else relevant!!
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15th April 2018, 13:47
Serves you right, Micky - it looks like you were 'theme theme theme' there!
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15th April 2018, 13:56
Is your anagram right, (apart from an extra O) I thought we had decided an I was being dropped from 23a.
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15th April 2018, 13:59
Lumen, I haven't read all the posts here, but it shouldn't be an I that's dropped from 23 A.
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