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20th April 2018, 08:58
piffleworthy - 22 - Def coats - abbr general manager and 1 letter for self inside cuppa with extra letter in 6th place.

21 - def unnest - me after archaic word for cuppa (think plate) + extra letter.

23 - def oz fruit - tailenders of 2nd to 7th letter + extra letter
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20th April 2018, 09:20
23 - should read '2nd to 7th words'
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20th April 2018, 11:10
Got the theme early last Saturday from the relatively easy perimeter clues and thought for a brief moment it would be a stroll.
It has taken all week to finish!
Hoping for something less frustrating tomorrow.
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20th April 2018, 11:53
This was a strange one for me. Solved the perimeter speedily. Guessed theme so knew the singer (Julie Driscoll/Abfab theme on mind briefly). Knew the nickname. After solving just a few radials knew where first two lines of lyric started and further 2 hits. Then completed remaining radials last of all!
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21st April 2018, 19:08
Crates - thank you for the hints. Would have replied earlier but have been in big gardening mode!
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25th April 2018, 19:54
The wordfinder site is a really excellent resource for solving anagrams when a letter is missing or indeed there is an extra letter:

It's vocabulary may not be quite as comprehensive as the WordWizard but it does save some time. Both sites solved 14 but the wordfinder was quicker.
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