smellyharry, as you surmised the answer is given away on this thread. It was the last clue solved for most. Your first two conjectures are correct. Your third suspicion is on the right lines, but not quite accurate
After several recounts, and with the conviction that I have all answers correct, I repeatedly come up with 20 inward and 19 outward radials. Does anybody else have this problem?
Finally finished - phew what a struggle! I am 99.9% sure I have the answer to the radial at 17 but would some kind person confirm for me that the 2nd cell from the perimeter contains a K? Many thanks.
I've spent hours on this and Sunday's EV - I should get a life lol
And in similar vein, could a kind person please confirm that the letter in the second ring from the perimeter in radial 10 is a D? I just can't parse this clue.
In return, I'm happy to offer those who like the subject of this puzzle a rather more raucous rendition by one of the best live bands around London, the Fuzillis. It's not a great video but they're very well worth seeing!