Like some others I found it a somewhat unsatisfying slog, but I don't like circular puzzles at the best of times. In this case the cycling of some answers, the letters latent and the indeterminate starting point added three extra layers of difficulty. I also didn't like the fact that in four cases a bar in the inner ring fell equidistant between two bars in the next ring, sewing further confusion. I know there was some sort of logic to it, but it was visually confusing and made placing the radials a bit of a nightmare that drove me batty at times.
After all that negativity, I feel I ought to say something positive. The clues were mostly good or very good, and the setter crammed in a lot of thematic material.
The one clue I have reservations about is 18, where the indication of IE seems to me to breach the Listener 'Notes for Setters'. The editors don't allow 'Department Head' to indicate D. I don't see that 'Central Kiev' to indicate IE is any different.