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17th February 2018, 19:36
Don't worry . There are no blanks in the first or last cells of entries.
21 of 67  -   Report This Post


17th February 2018, 20:12
I have tried to enter the answers I have.
I have entered 1a as suggested. I can use the letters 1,2,4,6,8 for Down clues 3 to 7. The I get into trouble. The last letter of 1a can be used to enter 8d.
But then the symmetry is lost.

Also where does the 10 letter answer to Close-fitting go? (Row number).I cannot see any row that it would fit in.

Same thing with the column number for answer to Bugs (8 letter).
My grid entries for others are most likely wrong.
(I have 1d in Col. 1 and 2d in Col.2)

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17th February 2018, 20:32
First and last letters of 1a are indeed used for clues 3d and 8d, each of which is split 4 letters at top and 4 at bottom of their columns.
The ''close-fitting" answer'' is in row 7. The 'Bugs'' answer is in column 9, below the D in row 1.
23 of 67  -   Report This Post


17th February 2018, 20:34
Thanks muraria.
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17th February 2018, 21:09
Can anyone give me a hint for:
Key worker gets divide(n?d by 4th April.
Professor's imparted wisdom to tense skier.
I dread the word "key" in clues !
25 of 67  -   Report This Post


17th February 2018, 21:15
4 letter word for key.
Worker is man.

Have not parsed but Professor clue; answer seen elsewhere as a 4 letter word for Tense. Starts and ends with the same letter.
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17th February 2018, 21:16
Oh, Professors teach so homonym?
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17th February 2018, 21:49
Thank you very much, Sunray.
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17th February 2018, 21:58
I thought grid entries were tough.

I do not know what the shape indicates.
I try to describe the shape in google query but nothing popped up.

I can guess the name if the surname is 6 letters.
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17th February 2018, 22:02
The surname is 7 letters - maybe check your spelling? The title helped with the theme, then the shape.
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