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17th February 2018, 15:50
I have attuned from a(n)d houses the outset (t) and tune (air)
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17th February 2018, 15:53
1st across answer fits in the middle of the top row spaces

1st down clue fits in column 1
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17th February 2018, 16:05
Thanks saustin. That was hard to see.
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17th February 2018, 16:10
Thanks xwordfan.
I had a feeling 1a does not start in Col. 1.

So far I have found four down clues from which a letter was removed. Happened to be the same letter for all 4.
Trying to see if the same letter would work for the other 4 but nothing apparent yet.
14 of 67  -   Report This Post


17th February 2018, 16:37
Is 3d an anagram? I cannot figure it out.
Dim-witted purser gets very drunk after being half-cut (8)

I now have 6 thematic down clues.
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17th February 2018, 16:48
3 D. The definition is 'dim-witted' - just a word for 'very drunk' after half of another word in the clue ('half-cut').
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17th February 2018, 16:54
yes it's the same letter for all 8 downs sunray
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17th February 2018, 16:54
Thanks malone.
Was hung up on anagram of purser + half of very.
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17th February 2018, 16:56
Thanks xwordfan.
I just cannot see the other two but will find them.
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17th February 2018, 19:27
There are still a handful I have not solved but there are some hints on the layout. If it is symettrical around a vertical axis, then 1a must go across the middle (as already pointed out). But the tip on blanks must allow for the possibility that there are blanks in the first cell of an answer?
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