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16th January 2018, 15:29
perhaps ash-hole is in the other grid?
Do you have the other 2d answer?
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16th January 2018, 16:09
I'm assuming the answers are inserted in standard clue order. In which case neither answer for 3dn (both 7 letters) fits if flan is 1across as neither answer begins with A. Or am I on the wrong track here?
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16th January 2018, 16:20
I believe the answer in column 2 starts in row 2.
The French person starts in col 3 and begins with a. Neasden in column 4. Pakistani and Man start in Col1 but above atoning.
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16th January 2018, 16:23
Hi Teenieleek,

There is a Down answer in each column but they don't all start from the top.

FLAN/NEASDEN is a match.

Also each grid has a different layout so for instance 3 Down is in a different place in each one.
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16th January 2018, 16:53
Thanks pkd, that's what I was trying to establish. so e.g. The believer could be in column two? It was just that the preamble says "clues are given in standard form".
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16th January 2018, 16:55
Forget that last, I've got it. Never does this sort before, that's my excuse for thickness anyway.
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16th January 2018, 17:37
Need hint on two.
Aussie’s sweet, pert talk, mostly about west

Who’s fashioned this bit of metal aerial

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16th January 2018, 17:44
sorry can't think of a hint ... it may be wrong anyway...chiack seems to fit at the beg of row 3 ..can't parse though.

Can you help with answers 2a and 3a please? (haven't got any of those at all)
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16th January 2018, 17:47
on 2nd thoughts chiack doesn't look right...think it has to be 5 letters not 6
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16th January 2018, 17:47
Hi Sunray,

Def = Aussie's sweet (as in confectionery). West Indian = WI inside where you might very well have confectionery

All in one clue. Anagram of one word in the clue with the start of another. Whole clue is the definition
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