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15th January 2018, 23:26
But the clue includes the important word "in" before giving you the G from Globe. It's a 7-letter answer.
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16th January 2018, 00:31
Thanks cockie.
I did get that part. "ing" is appended to 14 characters.

Does lightweight Scots require a Scottish word for answer?
Lightweight Scots doctor's first to abandon fool
It starts with D, I guess. But no Scottish Dictionary comes close to showing a word that fits the word play.

I am still trying to figure out which Mongol chief for my earlier question.
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16th January 2018, 08:48
the mongol chief is Khan ... lose the N and put acc inside
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16th January 2018, 08:58
dunce is a fool ... loose the D ...for a scottish lightweight (form of ounce)
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16th January 2018, 12:45
Am I right in thinking 1a is flan and that Neasden is one of the third down clues? I can't seem to fit Neasden in. If all rows have to have a down clue as per earlier post? Help please.
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16th January 2018, 12:50
Flan fits with fuchsia
Neasden parses too.

You seem much further on than me ...can't Neasden start at the N of your flaN?
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16th January 2018, 12:55
That's what I have at the moment but PKD (I think) said there was a down answer in each half of the grid. Neasden is the third down so if it goes off flan it is in 4th column?
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16th January 2018, 12:59
with the fuchsia ..atoning fits on the bottom row
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16th January 2018, 13:08
The downs in col 2 or col 3 don't need to start in the top row
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16th January 2018, 13:16
I had ash-hole that needs to start in top?
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