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10th December 2017, 15:41
Samovar, that's what I thought could be happening. And a couple of my four-letter answers could easily be extended.
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10th December 2017, 15:46
Sorry, I meant unseparated answers. Can you give me a hint for the Elderly Greek ? My plant destroyed begins with i.
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10th December 2017, 15:50
Elderly Greek reported to have eye on Scot. I've got a six-letter word for an old Greek - the last three letters are the very common 'Scot'. Remember, though, my answer doesn't fit in with the alphabetical order as shown!
13 of 54  -   Report This Post


10th December 2017, 16:08
Thanks, Malone. I had a look for Greeks ending with the usual"Scot". I found one who begins with "L", who I think fits the bill. (Sounds as though "has eye on"). Do you think that might be the one ?
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10th December 2017, 16:12
Thanks, samovar - I've come across an L Greek now. I was maybe to quick in thinking it was I O....
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10th December 2017, 16:33
Thanks Malone ... that's my elderly greek changed now too!
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10th December 2017, 16:36
No mine's wrong as i have the lecturer clue starting lav.. ???
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10th December 2017, 17:06
Kirky, Malone, I'm confident that the two clues you have parsed have just been printed in the wrong order. I've finished it and it can't be anything else. So don't waste too long on trying to find different answers.
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10th December 2017, 17:07
There is a longer Greek beginning with L, but it's not a person. I'm sure your lecturer clue answer is right, Kirky. Have you done the splendour of quinquennial clue ? I need help with that and the Norwegian King.
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10th December 2017, 17:08
Thanks, keepatit - I'll go back to my I... Greek and then my I... medicine!
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