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6th November 2016, 16:46
I've managed to finish and found it quite enjoyable.
The fact that I didn't notice there were 2 Ps held me up for a while.
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6th November 2016, 17:25
Borritt, 1800 seconds..
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jack aubrey

6th November 2016, 17:31
I have it all done apart from the first P.
The crossers are P?S?E? I can see that I could make the two components of the word play with these but that doesn't seem to make a word - not one that's in Chambers anyway. Help appreciated.
43 of 51  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 17:35
It's a hidden clue.
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jack aubrey

6th November 2016, 17:37
Ignore my last post. The penny just dropped. I really am a bear of very little brain!
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7th November 2016, 14:07
I usually manage these quite well, but have made a complete pigs ear of this one. Have retrieved my neighbour's paper from her recycling bin, and am about to start again. I've solved most, but for the life of me can't find the starting point for insertion.

Would anyone care to tell me which answer (just the letter) they inserted first, so I can try to replicate their thinking? And please don't say P...

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7th November 2016, 14:21
X at 9a
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7th November 2016, 14:33
It was the first P! I wrote it in across; although this might have been wrong, it turned out OK.
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7th November 2016, 15:26
I started with the M and D which were the only two 7 letter words and therefore had to go across the middle.
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7th November 2016, 18:51
Thanks all. I crossed X with O and then couldn't fit M into either of the 7s. Went downhill from there.
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