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Crossword Help Forum
Forum Rules


17th October 2016, 11:48
Couldn't a compromise be made ?
Contributors to the site could be asked to add to an existing thread where possible/feasible/ practical / whatever?
And only start a new thread if deemed absolutely necessary for a very good reason?
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17th October 2016, 12:40
I am not on the forum as much now, but a compromise seems a good idea, as Elle has said. My advice to those who are upset at the multiple threads would be to stop worrying and stop counting..... you will only give yourself high BP. Spend time off the computer, get some fresh air, and best of all..... go hug a works wonders.
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17th October 2016, 13:18
I agree with jazzgirl. Get a life. There are more important things to worry about. Keep calm and carry on
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17th October 2016, 15:46
Aw Seamus. I did adopt one years ago. She was beautiful. Now sadly gone over the rainbow bridge
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17th October 2016, 20:48
apologies if I have upset anyone, I'm not sure how to use the forum and simply made a mistake in opening a new thread instead of adding or replying to what was there. I think I have now managed to get it right.
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17th October 2016, 20:59
You haven't upset anyone nocando.
There's no rule against opening a new thread but it stops the forum getting too cluttered up if you just add to one that's already started.
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17th October 2016, 21:03
No problem nocando. Good luck with the quiz
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17th October 2016, 22:13
And welcome to the Forum , Nocando!
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21st October 2016, 18:01
I only post infrequently, usually on the ST cryptic, so I may have missed something, but I'm trying to understand how to stop creating repeated threads and the term" bumping" in relation to (say) one particular thread.

For example, if I'm stuck for an answer, should I go to the latest thread for the ST cryptic, despite the query on that thread:
a) being different to mine eg a completely different clue requiring resolution for me, and
b) that this earlier query may already possibly have been answered by one or more of helpful chappies/chappesses you find on here.

or should I start a new thread?

I'm guessing that I ask my query on the older thread and hope someone picks this up as a new query?

As you may gather I's a bit confused.
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