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21st October 2016, 22:21
Hello elle, let me assure you there was never any frantic seeking of advice for answers to the quiz, and some of those I did request help with I managed to solve before the help came through. Also the remark about passing my time was said a bit tongue in cheek, I have plenty to keep me occupied.
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21st October 2016, 22:57
I did not mean for you to take this personally just for yourself, Nocando.
Your remark just prompted me to put into words what many of us have been feeling about the attitude to quizzes.
As Malone has just said, there is still a month to go, and yet, constantly, prospective quizzers are still seeking "help", rather than applying themselves to the quiz as individuals - as the setters would appear to desire by their request that entries be sent in partially completed if necessary.
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21st October 2016, 23:54
I am new here, but here goes.
6 = Italian goldsmith
53 = Another term for North American
84 = Anagram of two words
100 = alternative name for snob will help in getting answer

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22nd October 2016, 00:15
Hi junebug - welcome to this thread of the forum. Apart from the fact it is Irish (not Italian) in question 6 is of little importance as it is only the initial you need !
and in question 100 try finding another use ( not name) for snob.
You have all the information you need to resolve these clues - have fun.
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22nd October 2016, 00:21
I think those were clues.
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22nd October 2016, 00:32
Nope .....was an Italian goldsmith ...
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22nd October 2016, 00:55
Junebug - I was referring to the wording of the clue - if you know the answer is an Italian goldsmith it sounds as if you already have the answer.
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22nd October 2016, 01:48
Winnie .... I have .... that's the point of my post.
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22nd October 2016, 10:28
You know how you get an idea in your head and can't shift it? I'm like that with # 80. I want it to be 'carriage' for pram, and it does have a double letter in it, but for the life of me I can't see how it would fit the rest of the clue and i can't think round it. Any other pointer (!), please?
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22nd October 2016, 11:53
Hi Lady Bee, many thanks for your support in this, although I have indeed requested additional tips for some of the clues, have managed to find the answers before the tips came through and the tips just confirmed that my answers were correct.
P.S. I'm intrigued to know why you decided I am male when there is no indication of gender in my user name, as it happens you got it right.
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