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lady bee

20th October 2016, 23:03
You said that you came up with a word that didn't seem sensible so I was just advising you to check it out. Several of the answers are words that are not common and yet checked out in Chambers, are spot on.
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21st October 2016, 14:09
Hello again Lady Bee, what I meant to say was that no double letter words came up when anagramming heaps and let together as was suggested in a couple of earlier posts. any other clue would be most helpful.
232 of 367  -   Report This Post

lady bee

21st October 2016, 14:48
On the normal anagram site I use, it didn't come up so I tried and it did appear although as two words so I suggest you try that.
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21st October 2016, 16:37
If you have an anagram of "heaps" and "let" I would suggest there is double E in there somewhere.
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21st October 2016, 19:15
thank you ever so much Lady Bee, normally when I see two words in a anagram I skip over them when I'm looking for one word answer, I followed your advice and now have the answer I needed to complete the quiz.
How am I going to occupy my time now that the quiz is completed?
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21st October 2016, 19:43
I am astounded that, having frantically sought advice from all and sundry, instead of attempting to do this quiz on one's own, and by one's own merits, anyone can now say "Whatever shall I do with my time....." in the remaining weeks till the end of the quiz!
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lady bee

21st October 2016, 20:26
You astound very easily. Nocando asked for confirmation/help on a couple of questions which leaves 98 he worked on himself plus he obviously spent time on the two he wanted help with.
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21st October 2016, 20:56
Ladybee,I know you and I are poles apart on our attitude to help with this quiz- but I'm sure you know that into double figures is more than 'a couple'!
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21st October 2016, 20:57
Maybe buy a few more of the many many Charity Quizzes out there?
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21st October 2016, 21:01
For those of you who look at the last post in a thread first,I'd heartily recommend this quiz. It's great fun,a real work-out helps a good cause - and the closing date is still over a month away!
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