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14th February 2016, 08:57
Good morning, Elle!
Fine morning here, but cold!
I am sure Anne will keep you right!
Be fine if your family visit you.
Get all the news etc!
Hope you have enough grub in!
I do not know yet if the downhill is on .
Hope so!
My man in the golf, "good old Phil" has a two shot lead going into the final round later today. Promising!
I am going for a walk after the skiing.
Pavements look not too bad after overnight frost.
Might take in a bit of a football match.
Then, of course, I'll have to try and keep up to date on Victoria.
She is a worry!!!
6131 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2016, 09:22
Hello, Malone1
I think I have got the second clue - the one from the independent - although I cannot fully parse it as yet........
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14th February 2016, 09:36
Hi, Rusty!
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, we're up to date with the news anyway! Our younger daughter phones every day on her way home from work, so we have long chats whilst British Rail proffers its daily excuses for the train delays!
But is it always good to see them......
However , she has just rung to say that they are taking the young one to see Thomas the Tank Engine in Sussex!
Her "weather" has had a much better and brighter start than has ours, so they are taking advantage of this and having a day out.
It is a promised (extra) birthday present for our grandson that has been much delayed by the previous foul weather.
So at least no rush for our walk - we can afford to wait for a fully fledged sun to shine!
Victoria is going to give you some grey hairs!
Oh, have you done Malone's crossword clues?
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14th February 2016, 09:41
One of my sons is a volunteer on a Welsh little train, which your grandson would just love, Elle. Yesterday a man and a small boy missed what I suspect was the last train because they thought all the people round taking photos where passengers! So my son and his wife took them by car to the next station (or perhaps a later one, my geography is hopeless), phoning ahead to keep the train there.
Actually the train pulled in just as they did.

BR could take a leaf out of that customer service!
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14th February 2016, 09:57
Wow, that is Customer Service indeed, Rosalind!
If the family ever go to Wales, I shall get the details from you!
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14th February 2016, 10:16
Hello, Elle!
I did not know Thomas was a Sussex lad!
Always learning!
I have just spotted Malone's clues and cannot solve them.
A letter or two would help!
And it is Sunday, my day of rest from crosswords!
I have been a supporter of Vic for many years and it can be a bit fraughtful at times!
Great day here!
I wonder if Rosalind would object if this "happily single male" ignores Valentines Day?
I have the cross country skiing on, (whilst waiting on the downhill) and am very impressed with the fitness of these folk.
Up hill and down dale. They stop and shoot at targets with amazing looking rifles. Very impressive! It is almost dark wherever it is.
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14th February 2016, 11:11
Hi, Rusty!
Thomas is from the fictitious island of Sodor! Supposedly located in the Irish sea just south of Barrow- in Furness (Cumbria )on the mainland.
But there are Thomas the Tank Engine railways all over the UK!
I don't think that Thomas featured in the first book?
That was called "The Three Railway Engines ," and was about Edward , Henry and Gordon. Thomas grew in popularity, after his introduction to the series, to become the main character.
Did you not read these books to your kids/ grandkids?
Regarding Malone's clues... in the second one, if I understand it correctly, "Hoskins" is the indicator that this is a cockney clue?
If I am reading this wrongly, I am sure that Malone will set us right!
I still cannot do the first one.......
Has your downhill skiing started now? How is Lindsey faring?
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14th February 2016, 11:27
Rusty, sorry for putting clues your way on a Sunday.

Elle, I solved the second clue, but my attempt at parsing wouldn't bear scrutiny.

I'll add some letters...

20 A. Cooler product found in East End salon (3,11)
??? C???I?I???R

1 A. Hoskins takes ecstasy in extra small undies (8)
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14th February 2016, 11:28
Hello, Elle!
Thomas is fairly new to me.
You seem very clued up on him!
Why would Hoskins be a Cockney clue, at all?
There is an actor called Hoskins.
The downhill has been cancelled.
Too much soft snow at the sides of the run making the course dangerous.
Lara Gut has suggested they do two downhills next week in Italy. She is determined to knock Lindsey off her throne!
There are horses in the woods wearing colourful blankets!
So, just Victoria and Phil left for me today!
6139 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2016, 11:38
Hi, Malone!
I got the first clue as soon as you gave me the crossing letters!
Are you saying you haven't solved it?
If so, it's very easy (actually more straight forward than the second one)....just think of what an Eastender would do....?
Re the second clue , my parsing is wonky too - but I'm sure the answer is right!
6140 of 30765  -   Report This Post