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11th February 2016, 22:16
Elle, have you tried doing a soft reset as I suggested?
You may find an answer.
Sounds as if Hudl and router may not be seeing eye to eye.
One road you should go down is phoning Tesco Helpline.
If my memory is true, they have a Hudl dept.
Worth a try, I'd say.
6091 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2016, 22:45
Hi, Rusty!
Triangular shaped, yes! those sound just like our potato cakes!
I nearly finished the crossword! only a few clues to go...... I got involved in my book......
Are you having some problem with your eyes? I thought you had only recently been to the optician? Or is this for a repeat of that test that you said you had 'failed' - the one where you have to yell out (!) when something suddenly appears on the screen?
I think it is a test for peripheral vision? (but could of course have got that all wrong?)
I'm reluctant to speak to someone on a helpline regarding the Hudl problem - they blind me with technical science and I am lost.......I have no idea what they are talking about!
Yes, I tried the soft reset, as you suggested, but it makes no difference. As I said before, the problem rights itself anyway, but it's such a nuisance when it keeps recurring.
There is a lot about this problem if you Google it - all related to the Tesco Hudl.
Have a look?
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11th February 2016, 23:14
Hello, Elle!
I can see perfectly, but one test I did was "not great" and he wants it repeated.
So, there is something going on that, so far, is not affecting me.
So, that is the plan for tomorrow.
Have you tried unplugging the router from the wall plug for a couple of minutes?
Tesco Helpline is very helpful.
Do you have a young neighbour who could speak to them for you? A teenager? The young ones know so much more than we do.
What does Google suggest as the answer?
Have you tried YouTube?
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12th February 2016, 10:30
Good morning, Rusty!
How did you get on at the opticians? I hope the repeat test was satisfactory - and that all is well with your eyes?
My Hudl is on a good behaviour it is (so far) being exemplary!
I shall ask my daughter to take a look at it whilst she is here next week. She has a Computer Science degree so hopefully should know what she is about!
And, if necessary, she can also speak to the Tesco helpline for me. It is certainly not a task that I welcome myself.
My husband has just got a new phone - I think he is looking for some 'help' from her with that, too?
She will be one busy lady!
But she will have plenty of time whilst I am playing board game with the boys!
What is your weather like? It is fine but very cold here!
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12th February 2016, 10:59
Good morning, Elle!
Fine frosty morning here.
We had a problem at the optician.
They could not find the keys for the examination rooms!
Took twenty minutes to locate them!
My optician was delighted with my results today and I have been returned to normal examination timetable.
He showed me my records, and under today's exam Notes.
He had entered "fields great. v pleased".
His advice? " Don't smoke and eat plenty broccoli"!
Yes, the test was for peripheral vision.
The TESCO Helpline folk speak in layman's terms.
They are used to non-techies like me calling.
In fact, they prefer it. They have told me there is nothing worse than someone making out they know all about technology when in fact they know hee-haw.
I am sure your husband will soon know where he is at with his new phone!
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12th February 2016, 12:43
Hi, Rusty!
That is good news about your eyes! I am glad to hear that all is well.
(It was worth waiting for the keys to be located!!)
Yes, broccoli is deemed good for just about everything!
It is full of vitamin A for growth and body tissue repair; vitamin K for healthy bones and blood clotting; and of course it has cancer combating properties.
Eating broccoli reduces the risk of different types of tumours all over the body, in various organs.
It is also supposed to activate brain power!
Oh and it make you look good too! (enhances skin and makes it look smooth!)
So there you go... broccoli and become fit and healthy, brainy......... and beautiful too!
We are waiting for an electrician to come....... the main lights in our lounge have gone on strike - each time the light bulbs are replaced, after a while there is an explosive noise, things go whirr, crackle and pop - and the lights go out!
Our usual electrician is away on holiday, so we are expecting a gentleman recommended by the local electrical shop!
He should be here at 1 pm!
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12th February 2016, 15:51
Hello, Elle!
That is a strange one with your light bulbs?
Hopefully your sparky can sort you out.
Will be something something simple, (to him) I would think.
Strangely, I got an email from Which today, and it was about which are the best lightbulbs to buy.
I did not read it, just a glance, but I spotted that one of their Best Buy bulbs costs £25!
This broccoli is amazing stuff, it seems!
I had better look for it in the shop tomorrow.
I like sprouts, too.
I had a wee look on Betfair's site and they have odds for Victoria at Cheltenham. They are going 4-5 for her to complete the course, 5-1 to be in the first four, and 25-1 to win!

Hello, Pigale,
How are the kits settling after their adventure with the vet?
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12th February 2016, 16:42
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, the sparky sorted out the problem. It sounded fairly complicated but didn't take all that long to fix, and he is coming back on Monday to do yet another job for us.
H e did mention that there are a lot of "fake " light bulbs about, and to be careful about what we buy in the future.
He seems a very pleasant efficient man and it was good to have someone personally recommended for the job.
We like our "usual" electrician but he is away for three weeks - we couldn't sit in darkness for that long!
(A slight exaggeration as we do have standard lamps, too!)
I don't understand about placing bets? Are these favourable for Victoria?
No doubt you will be betting on her? but to do what? to win, or something more realistic?
I guess that there is a lot more fun in going for a win - even if it an outside chance?
Shall you bet on Nina, too?
Crosswords both finished - no 15 x 15 today as no need to buy the newspaper!
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12th February 2016, 16:53
Hellol Rusty, Hello Elle !

I've been busy putting the house in some sort of order ! Odd little jobs that I have put aside for a while - there is always tomorrow! - and it was about time I got stuck in doing them.

The kittens are doing fine ! Eating like made, they are still growing, and back to their playful mood. On the day they came back from the Vet, I let them go in the garden from the terrace door, so that they would have to jump through the window as usual - the very first thing they did was climb up one of the trees ! No harm done luckily and obviously the stitches are well secured !

Miserable day here, cold and drizzly - Very cold last night.

I personally would put a small bet on Victoria to win ! at 25-1, it sound interesting, and you never know ....
6099 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th February 2016, 16:59
Sorry, should read 'so that they would NOT have to jump....)
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