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17th November 2015, 23:10
Hello, Elle!
No Barney here, but it is only 5C. Not very warm.
I heard Alex Thomson on C4 News say the first word the Syrian refugees on Bute will have to learn is "dreich"!
I think your wind will drop soon, according to Met Office.
Maybe you should get your tree lopped off a bit?
Hope you get on fine at school tomorrow.
I thought the crossword was a good one today.
1 down is a new word to me, though. Not good at heraldic terms.
And I do not have a Scooby on parsing 16 down!
I hope there are plenty of hot water bottles on Bute, tonight.
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18th November 2015, 06:50
Rusty, the answer to 16 Down is simply hidden in the clue...

Devastate a fort, wounding a number inside (3,3,3)

DevastaTE A FOR T WO, a number/song is inside.
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18th November 2015, 08:26
Malone, thank you for that!
I spotted "tea for two" and thought "two" was the number, not realising that "tea for two" was a number/song.
And why do we call a song, a "number", I wonder?
Anyway, thanks for putting me on the right road!
4243 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th November 2015, 08:44
You're welcome, Rusty. I thought 'number = song' was a fairly newish (20th century maybe) thing, but according to Chambers, a number can be ' a self-contained portion of an opera or other composition'. I like learning new things, even just little nuggets such as this!
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18th November 2015, 08:53
Me too, Malone. I should imagine only crossword addicts (and perhaps dictionary lovers) know that "neat" can refer to cattle of the genus Bos There must be lots of other examples
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18th November 2015, 09:15
Me three, folks.
I have a head full of daft wee things.
One bugbear I have, with reference to songs/numbers, is singers being called "artists".
An artist to me is a painter, but I am sure it can mean other things, too.
There are two words that convinced me, many years ago, that I needed a good dictionary, were "ounce" for a snow leopard, and "priest" for a club for banging salmon on the head!
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18th November 2015, 09:27
Heard of that use for "priest" but never "ounce" ! Learn something every day. Wasn't "artists" with that meaning originally "artistes"?
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18th November 2015, 09:33
Probably, Rosalind.
And what about "boy band"?
Bands in musical terms, to me, played instruments.
These young lads only sing.
Or, am I being picky?
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18th November 2015, 10:25
perhaps just a little picky? ;-))
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18th November 2015, 10:49
OK, i tend to agree, Rosalind!
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