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16th November 2015, 12:28
My husband often told me what a nice town Edinburgh was and how good it was for shopping.

I think I must have remained a child at heart - I still like Christmas presents to be a surprise (having listened carefully to whatever the family happened to have mentioned in the month or so before I did my shopping)
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16th November 2015, 12:33
Hello again, Rosalind!
I do not know if this site accepts links any more, but...
if you type "Queen Mother Death Tay Bridge" into Google there are quite a few articles there about it.
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16th November 2015, 13:05
Hi Rusty

The code names seem to be the funeral plans, which is fair enough. No doubt the plans have to be made well ahead. Apparently the Royal family help with them!
Actually I don't know why I put the ! because I have written my own funeral ceremony (not service). They will be surprised when "I have been so great a lover" is read out. (Rupert Brooke, and he loved blankets, china, waves, wet roofs etc)
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16th November 2015, 13:06
I see that the Queen's funeral plans were stolen at one point!

The sun is shining - looks to be a lovely afternoon - going out now.......

Enjoy the day, everyone !
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16th November 2015, 13:41
A wee update on the Great Parking Ticket Scandal.
There is a report in my local paper today.
The lifeboatmen were on an emergency "shout" (see Chambers).
Conditions were "horrendous" on the river.
The crews have dispensation to park on yellow lines, and notices to that effect for their car windscreens.
But two got tickets and have appealed online.
The council are investigating.
A bit of common sense needed here, I think!
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16th November 2015, 16:29
Rusty, all will be well in the end, I feel sure! The lifeboat crew will not have to pay their fines and the traffic warden will have his / her knuckles rapped for the transgression!!
Have you done your duty as a taxi driver? Are your family back home from their shopping? I hope they had a successful trip? lots and lots of interestingly shaped parcels?
We had a pleasant walk this afternoon - we went to Crystal Palace Park - - of crossword clue fame!
It was chilly out- I was glad of woolly hat pulled down over my curls (no hatpin needed!), scarf and gloves!
Dog had a slight bleed from her nearly gone 'lump' - I think she must have caught one of her stitches? They are supposedly dissolvable but are taking a long time to go?
Anyway, vet check tomorrow morning!
I forgot to record the tennis, so missed it!
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16th November 2015, 17:34
Good evening, Pigale!
Sorry, I seem to have ignored you today!
I trust that you are grand?
Anything going on in the village today?
Fine day here, but windy!
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16th November 2015, 17:51
Hello, Elle,
I am impressed that you can manage without a hatpin!
There won't be many like you knocking about.
Yes, I have done my taxiing duty.
They were loaded with stuff!
(The Bridge is closed to double decked buses just now, I noticed!)
I hope the parking carry-on gets sorted out.
It is bad when the emergency services get parking tickets on errands of mercy! Not good for the city's image at all!
I am sure doggie is fine.
Dissolvable stitches is another area in which I am inexpert but the vet will keep you right, there.
Now, Crystal Palace Park? Is that a fair size?
There seems to be a lot of "green" throughout London and surrounding areas. The city planners appear to have got it right across the years? Is that your view?
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16th November 2015, 18:02
Good evening Rusty!

Yes, I am doing fine, thanks.

Nothing going on in the village today - Mondays are usually quite days apart from bigger towns. A lot of businesses take Monday as their closing day (on top of Sunday afternoon). This does not apply to big hypermarkets etc though.

In fact I went shopping with a friend to one of those biggish supermarket in our closest bigger town; It was crowded but you could feel that people were not altogether relaxed; strange feeling!

Glad to live in my little village.
What about you, did you have a good day playing taxi?

Here greyish but still warmish and tonight, temps will stay mild - 11C at night! it will be a shock by the time the weekend comes. snow due all around us!
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16th November 2015, 18:03
Sorry, meant quiet days!!!
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