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13th November 2015, 08:47
Good morning, Rusty!
And an absolutely beautiful day , too, here! The sky is blue, the sun is shining and we have NO wind (I'll say 'as yet,' so as not to tempt providence!)
Yes, it sounds a wise precaution to stay close to home today if there is likely to be another visit from Abigail.
Are you giving the girls eccles cakes????
Sorry about the 'London' clue - I know you don't like them, but I couldn't resist as it is a place I have often mentioned to you, and one of our local haunts.
Plans for today? I am hoping to go to Polhill Garden Centre. This is out in Kent - a nice drive and a lovely place to visit.
I want some new plants for the pots that we have on either side of the front porch.
(My friend 's dog ( a weimaraner) was called Tegan!)
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13th November 2015, 10:44
Hello, Elle.
Your weather is better than mine!
No wind, but temperature has dropped to 5C degrees. And raining!
No Eccles cakes for the young ones.
I do not know when they are going to appear, or which ones!
I DO get a bee in my bunnet about some setters.
The late Araucaria had place names as answers, but they could be anywhere! I remember one puzzle where several answers were the names of RAF stations he had served at during the war! And they were pretty obscure. My memory tells me he may have thrown in the name of a station commander for good measure!
But they were all getable!
And I will not ever forget his Pease Pottage! Sussex?
I had never heard of it in my puff, but eventually got there, although I needed my trusty Road Atlas to help me.
Araucaria was a "proper" setter!
Hope you enjoy your jaunt to Kent.
A very nice part of the world, I believe!
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13th November 2015, 15:40
Hi, Rusty!
I have been through Pease Pottage! It is a (very) small village in West Sussex, right on the edge of Crawley.
Blink and you would miss it!
Our elder daughter used to work for Racal which was based at Crawley - the company sponsored her through Uni.
Pease Pottage is also another name for Pease Pudding. It is said that the village got its name from having served Pease Pottage to convicts on their way from London to the south coast. I don't know how much truth there is in this?
We had a successful trip to the garden centre, and bought some winter pansies for the pots, and three huge bags of mixed daffodil bulbs for the back garden.
Now all that remains to be done is the 'hard labour' of planting!
Yes, Kent is a beautiful county; we only live 500 yards from its frontier!
How many granddaughters turned up to visit you?
Did you have bacon rolls? ( we did, at Polhill, for lunch!)
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13th November 2015, 16:09
Hello, Elle!
Are you not slightly late for planting daffs?
I thought Sept/October was the time to do it?
Yes, I remember you telling me about Pease Pottage.
That is a proper cryptic answer to have, unlike Crystal Palace!
I have not looked at today's crossword yet.
Now, I see you got "winter" pansies?
I would have got "Winter" pansies. Which is correct?
Capital W or wee w? I get confused!
I like the sound of Kent! Was that where Rosie and Laurie Lee grew up?
Two young ones turned up.
Miss La Bamba and her big sis, who invited me to her graduation!
No bacon rolls; we stayed home and they had brought Forfar bridies to eat. A while since I had a bridie!
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13th November 2015, 16:12
Hi rusty
Laurie Lee (and Rosie) were most definitely Gloucestershire.
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13th November 2015, 16:26
Ah, thank you, Chris!
I was trying to recall if it was mentioned in the book, but it is a few years since I read it!
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13th November 2015, 16:34
I think the Larkins (Darling buds of May) might have been Kent, though.
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13th November 2015, 17:06
Hello everyone,

I can see you had a nice day Rusty and Elle, glad you did not fly away last night Rusty!

We were cloudy with very light rain, but sun due back tomorrow, albeit temps no more than 12C.

I've just BBC Weather forecast and sympathise with anyone living on the West coast in particularly, view what is planned for the week-end; I heard that Cumbria was one of the counties the most likely to have flooding - well my friends live at the bottom of their village and whenever there is a lot of water, they get it - and twice quite bad inside the cottage itself! I'll speak to them later but hope they have taken some measures (rolling carpets, put certain things higher etc)

I am quite pleased with myself as I have successfully replaced my ancient router for a new one (received from UK yesterday); it went much easier than I was fearing; just a few adjustment to make here and there and moving things around to suit the wires -

All worthwhile though since FINALLY my connection to Internet lasts more than 5 minutes at a time !

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13th November 2015, 17:38
Hi, Rusty!
Now, according to the planting instructions attached to the bag of bulbs, they may be planted anytime between August and December - so we still have a time margin in which to do it!
I love daffodils - I especially like yellow flowers as they are so bright and cheerful- so I hope the planting is a success! I will let you know in due course!
I bought winter pansies for planting in Winter? I don't know.... that is what I would put......
So you had two granddaughters visiting ... that was nice! and good to be invited to Miss Orlando's graduation - how lovely - when will that be?
Will you wear your kilt as it is an auspicious occasion?
So, tell me what is a "Forfar bridie"............?
Obviously something to eat.......and yet, a Scots friend of mine called his dog "Bridie"?
I am puzzled.......?

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13th November 2015, 17:50
Chris, I think "the Darling Buds of May" WAS set in Kent , although, for the TV series, a little of the filming was certainly done in Yorkshire - or so I read somewhere?
I really enjoyed that programme!

Hi, Pigale!
I am so glad to hear that you have finally got your new router installed successfully.
I applaud your being able to follow your friend's instructions - I would have been completely at a loss!
Let's hope you now have uninterrupted Internet connection!
We have had a lovely day (apart from an odd shower) but it has gone very cold this afternoon!
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