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15th August 2015, 10:01
PS - I'm going to show my ignorance and ask what is a M&B novel ?

I like Jane Austin, particular Mansfield Park, when she so much laugh at her own class of Society.
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15th August 2015, 10:12
Hello, Elle,
A bit cloudy here.
Yes, I may have heard Marsden on the News and it got filed away!
No, I like plain simple food and do not experiment.
Nor would I go to a restaurant. I like wee cafes!
I am very happy to have a cheese roll for my tea.
I have a practically unused cooker! So, all BBC's cooking shows are wasted on me. Not remotely interested!
It was John Daly (Wild Thing) who flung his club.
It was at a par 3. He hit three tee shots into Lake Michigan, his fourth tee shot found land, then his club went sailing out over the lake. I have not heard his penalty but he won't play today. He missed the cut.
I remember years ago he took 18 shots at a hole at Bay Hill. Many years ago there was an even worse player "Terrible" Tommy Bolt. Tommy once threw the golf bag in the lake as well as his misbehaving club!
Gastrolators? Nope!
I like "scrumpled"! Is that a home made word?
I hope I have time for my crossword later!
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15th August 2015, 10:17
There's a story about a golfer who threw his bag of clubs into a lake by the eighteenth green. Half an hour later he came out of the bar, waded into the lake, retrieved his bag, took out his cars keys, then threw the bag back in again!

A tip from Tommy Bolt - always throw your club forwards so that you don't have to go back to pick it up.
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15th August 2015, 10:43
I often cook ratatouille and colcannon (Irish potato dish with onions) and roast lamb. Had this last Sunday.
M & B = Mills and Boon (romantic novels of an old kind - no hint of any antics in the bedroom )
I use aubergine when I cook Moussaka. Delicious.
We used to grow courgettes in the garden and they grew so fast we could not eat them fast enough, so gave many away. Same with raspberries.
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15th August 2015, 11:07
Hi, Doglet!
Gosh, how awful!
And had your husband already gone out ? (these disasters always happen when husbands are not there to help clear up!)
Has the water done a lot of damage ? how flooded was the kitchen?
I well remember coming back from taking the children to school one day, opening the front door and being met by a tide of water rushing towards me down the hall! The hose on the washing machine had burst! ( yes, I'd left the machine running whilst I was out)
I had to wade about in wellies whilst clearing up the mess!
I hope it's not that bad?
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15th August 2015, 11:09
They don't make them like Terrible Tommy any more!
Even Arnie Palmer was a bit wary of him!
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15th August 2015, 11:10
Morning Jazzy,

Home made Mousaka - mmmm!

This is the trouble with a veg garden - everything ripens at the same time; We too gave a lot to neighbours, particularly courgettes, cucumbers and melons.

Your Colcannon reminds of another dish I like - Aligot, basically mash potatoes with grated garlic and some cheese to bind it - It is delicious (if you like garlic, of course !)

BTW I like Kedgeree too, (British, not Indian), but not for breakfast !
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15th August 2015, 11:13
Morning, Jazzy and Pigale,
I also cook ratatouille! ( but without aubergines as I don't like them).
We like marrows , too Pigale - we usually stuff them as you say, usually using minced beef, rice ,tomatoes , onions and anything else that comes to hand.
You didn't mention rice, don't you put rice in yours?
We do the same thing with large peppers - delicious.
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15th August 2015, 11:20
Hello Elle,

No, we personally never put rice in our stuff marrows - don't know if other French people do though;
And yes, we do the same with large peppers, and some very large tomatoes (special breed grown for stuffing, mixing the flesh with the mince etc) all very tasty. Could almost make me feel humgry, even though I never eat at lunchtime !

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15th August 2015, 11:25
Hi, Rusty!
You sound a bit like Kevin on Eggheads! He hates answering the Food and Drink section because he never does any cooking! but I will temper that comment as I know you do use your slow cooker a lot! and produce some tasty meals from what you've said!
You eat a lot of fish....... I especially like mackerel but prefer it smoked. I like my bacon and ham smoked too.
'Scrumpled' is a lovely word, isn't it? meaning crushed or crumpled, but I'm afraid I cannot lay claim to it, as it is in Chambers!
We are shortly going out for a while over to the woods and the river with the dog....(no umbrella needed today!)
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