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14th August 2015, 10:05
Good morning, all!
It is a bit wet here today.
"Dreich" as Elle would put it!
Did anyone suffer the forecast torrential rains?
And Andy Murray got put in his place by big brother Jamie! Well done, Jamie!
PS, Elle, in Lesotho it is the schoolchildren who have no books. My above post did not make that clear.
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14th August 2015, 10:17
Good Morning, Rusty!
Yes, we had torrential rain for most of yesterday! We got soaked going out for our weekly "lunch"!
It's brightening up now, but was drizzling when I took the dog out this morning. Still, an improvement on yesterday's weather !
Have you been out for your paper yet?
What happened between Andy Murray and brother Jamie? Tell all!
So you are going to have a new front door? Will it be double-glazed? or do you not have the need for keeping noise out. for instance?
We have double-glazed everything! It's obviously warmer, but so very much quieter, too (although I constantly ruin that effect by having windows open for most of the time! )
I shall look into what one can do with unwanted books - but unless one is donating on a large scale , I doubt it's feasible? Mind you we do have a lot of duplicated text books.
Nothing planned for today, as yet, apart from another walk later on this afternoon.
We shall 'take it as it comes'!
You are doing something today with one or more granddaughters , aren't you?
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14th August 2015, 11:21
Hello, Elle!
It is brightening here, too.
But, I confess I drove to the shop and home.
Jamie was drawn against Andy in a tournament and beat him! Wonder what Judy will say!
Yes, new door with all the trimmings!
I do not want glass in it, but I will be depending on my joiner to keep me right. (Some task!)
I have overcome the first problem.
My joiner only drinks tea, and I do not have any in the house, so I bought Scottish Blend teabags for him today! That was what my old Mother bought, so hopefully they will cut the mustard. (Where did that come from?)
One of my pals is a Finn, and he told me years ago that all new builds in Finland have to have triple glazing. It's a legal requirement.
He is not impressed with the quality of houses here, compared to Finland.
Yes, books for somewhere like Lesotho would be an expensive task. Shipping costs, etc.
Have a word with "the ladies", maybe one of them may have a suggestion?
At least one grandgirl is coming today, possibly two.
I await developments!
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14th August 2015, 12:22
Morning everyone !

It poured down yesterday afternoon and evening too here - not a good rain for the garden though because too hard on an extremely dry land; it just roll off it.
This is the first time we have real rain (I mean more than just small three drops shower) since the end of May !!!

Greyish and somewhat cooler now - only 24C.

Elle, why not ask your local Library about unwanted books? This is what I do with unwanted books; they either keep them for the Library, or put them in a box for people to take what they fancy free of charge. No cost and the local people benefit from them. (they are not text books though)
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14th August 2015, 13:44
Hello, Pigale!
I've never thought before about donating books to the library. If I do part with a book, I usually donate it to a charity shop.
But I do have a tendency to hang onto most of my books in case I want to read them again!
All our bookshelves have books two-deep !!
However, it IS high time , I had a clear- out of some! And definitely our text book situation needs a review!
Since retirement, we no longer need more than one copy of a book for instance.
I should explain here that my husband and I share the same profession - hence the double up of some books. My text books tended to remain at home; his were kept in his office at the lab (but moved home when he retired!)
I guess w e could keep the newer editions and recycle the duplicates.......
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14th August 2015, 14:00
Hi, Rusty!
I'm beginning to feel like a dinosaur! Do you know that until this morning I had never heard of 'triple' glazing?!
Now I'm wondering how I managed that?
I've never seen it advertised though? Do people actually have it in their homes in this country?
I have been reading up about it and it would seem to be designed for colder countries than ours? Like Finland as your friend says?
Or for excessive noise pollution?
But I'm fast becoming an expert on "U " values...........
Now, leaving the physics aside....
Did you have a good time with one/ more granddaughter(s)? Where did you get to?
We are shortly about to go is fine at the moment , albeit grey and dismal. I'm hoping we'll get back before we have more rain!
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14th August 2015, 14:04's one for you. "The Sure Thing" the Greatest Coup in Horse Racing History by Nick Townsend. It's all about the great Barney Curley. It's only a few quid on Amazon. What a character.
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14th August 2015, 14:24
Yes Elle, I understand your situation re books in double.

The ones I donated to the Library were partly some of my Father's novels - we did not always have the same taste - (but I ferociously hang on to mine and tend to be a book collector !)

The rest were Learning English text books from when I gave private lessons to local youngsters. I had quite a number of those, one for every form and on top of it the programs always changed with new editions to go with it - I needed a copy of everything in order to prepare the lessons.

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14th August 2015, 14:31
It can be an obsession. We had the sad job of clearing a deceased friend's house a year or two ago. My wife asked me to pick out which books I would like to keep. I duly made a selection and brought them home. The next day she brought home all the others as well.
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14th August 2015, 14:32
PS - I might add that living in a smallish village is not the same as living in a bigger place as far as local library - Ours is only a few years old (before, a travelling Library bus came once a month) and they have a budget to buy new books, but are always greatful for donations of good quality second-hands.
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