Hi Rusty!
So what is wrong with taking an umbrella on a stroll around the park?
It's not as though we'd gone to the woods, or were going over the fields and climbing over stiles or some such, where I agree with you that an umbrella would definitely be out of place?
It was too warm to wear a raincoat, so a brolly was a good alternative (my hair goes too curly if I get it wet! You're a man, you presumably don't worry about your hair!)
"Cut the mustard"....to do something well and efficiently, esp. when it is suspected that one may lack the ability.
The expression derives from 'mustard' as a slang word for a thing that is the best.
I know you don't go to the library, but I used to use it regularly at one time, before the local Council interfered and closed our nearest one down. The replacement is rubbish, so I'm now reduced to buying books from Amazon, going to Boot Sales or looking around Charity shops.
I pay my Council taxes - I want a better library!
So what do you have with/ on your spaghetti then, if not bolognese sauce?
What about North London? ( I thought we'd dealt with that?!)