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13th August 2015, 09:32
Good Morning Rusty,

How is life treating you ? Is your weather nice again?

When talking with my friends last night, I mentioned that I had seen a hedgehog in the garden the previous evening. We have a lot here but they told me that hedgehogs were not far from being extinct in UK.

Do you know anything about that? Is it because you have no more or very little hedges? They are very useful animals in a garden.

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13th August 2015, 09:50
Hi pigale
We have a few hedge hogs in the local gardens and we have a large boar who is 6 years old who we feed everyday,but many gardens arent hedge hog friendly strimmers ,poison and garden bonfires all take their toll but being killed on the roads is a big problem,I usually overwinter babies born too late to survive but the numbers are dropping year on year.
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13th August 2015, 09:52
Good morning, Rusty!!
Yes, I suppose it is rather confusing, as no matter where one lives in the UK, one travels "up" to London! (even if one is effectively travelling "down" the country!)
Now, technically we live in London, as we have a London postcode. but we are only about 500 yards from being in Kent.
Croydon is south of us.
To go to North London (when dropping in on Lyn MacD!), I would get a mainline train and then the tube. Altho it is also possible to go part way via the Overground or even by Thameslink train.
I hope that is a little clearer?
International Left-handers Day? I have never heard of it before? I wonder what it is about? My son and my youngest grandson are both left-handed!
A somewhat dreich day here - and we have the threat of worse to come, seemingly heavier rain and thunderstorms!
What is it like in Dundee?
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13th August 2015, 09:56
Hello Doglet and Pigale!
It is a long time since I've seen a hedgehog in my garden! But I do have a query which I am sure you will be able to answer, Doglet.
Is it right that you shouldn't give bread and milk to a hedgehog ( as seems to be a common thought) but give them cat food instead? I read that somewhere.....
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13th August 2015, 10:02
Hello, Pigale!
I am splendid, thank you!
Yes, another nice great day here.
Not a cloud in the sky!
We still have hedgehogs here.
I just see one now and then, but that was always the way.
What has gone from my part of the world is skylarks.
Not heard one for years.
Nor have I seen a hare for years.
Do you still have skylarks in France?
Their song is beautiful.

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13th August 2015, 10:24
Morning all
I have a couple of hedgehogs here. I leave out a shallow dish of fresh water which I have seen them drinking. They love any slugs or snails.
NEVER EVER give hedgehogs milk as it causes diarrhoea.
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13th August 2015, 10:27
It is common to see and hear the lovely song of skylarks in our local wild park. One area has been set aside especially for them to nest.
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13th August 2015, 11:06
I have read that if you want to feed hedgehogs, then tinned dog food is good. It is years since I saw one round here (Oxford area)
Used to have skylarks in the field at the back of the house but then people started (illegally) walking their dogs there and that was that. Now it has been fenced for horses so they won't return. I did love hearing them
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13th August 2015, 11:14
Hello, Elle!
Not a cloud in the sky here! Beautiful day!
My late lamented Da always said "down" to London.
Think most up here would, as we would travel South?
I am surprised to hear Croydon is South of a part of Kent. Always learning!
But a train and tube (should tube be Tube?) sounds fine. How long will that trip take you?
Maybe you should let her know you are coming?
I am heading off to ASDA soon.
They have the snow shovels beside the sun loungers now!
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13th August 2015, 11:19
Luckily the skylark numbers are now increasing slightly since the area where the skylarks nest has a cordon around it with notices warning dog-walkers to ensure their dogs are put on a lead.
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