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11th August 2015, 20:24
Good evening, Rusty!
Well, the boys have now gone home....... our daughter arrived for them late afternoon.,
It was lovely to have them stay - we all had a great time!
The house is now so very quiet! We shall miss them!
Thank you for the link about Vindolanda - it made interesting reading.
There are a great many places in Britain that I have yet to visit - maybe one day.....?
There is so much of historical interest that I would like to follow up and investigate should I get the chance.
I haven't heard of "Five Guys"? It sort of sounds as though it might be a burger chain? Is that what it is? American?
What sort of a day have you had?
I browsed quickly through the thread to see what everyone had been up to, and was amused by the talk of Christmas already!
We always know here in London that Winter is on its way by the removal of all summer clothes from the shops by mid August - and the arrival of winter school uniform and warm woollen clothes!!
Is it like that up your way?
Christmas cards usually arrive about October!
(But there are no snow shovels to be seen as yet! Maybe Asda has " inside information"?)
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11th August 2015, 21:03
Elle, you will miss the boys!
Great stories about Vindolanda, and each year they discover more in their digs. And they had central heating! I had never heard of it until a pal told me.
He is a rep and that is his area. It was he who told me about the 4th Cohort of Gauls. I have been finding bits bits out ever since.
I think it is Five Guys they called it. Meant to be good.
I don't go to any shops really, apart from ASDA.
So I am not up on the Winter clothes.
I use eBay for clothes, too. I won't go to town, so I won't.
The Lord only knows where ASDA got the shovel idea from. They are excellent value, too!
There used to be a Five Boys chocalate bar, I think?
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11th August 2015, 21:24
Elle, going back a bit, I usually watch Eggheads and saw the question about the village. Even odder, a friend came back from Dorset that day and said she'd been there- I'd never heard of it before.
I find you can often tell if a challenge team is going to be hopeless- too young or too old. I think Kevin and Pat are amazing and I'd often like to thump Barry!
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11th August 2015, 21:32
Ros, that's really rather spooky - a coincidence for both of us!
I like Kevin, I think considering all he knows (!) he's very quiet and unassuming?
What does puzzle me though is these 'repeats that they show? I've watched Eggheads for a long time and yet I've never seen a programme twice??!!
So where do the 'repeats' come from?
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11th August 2015, 21:49
Hi, Rusty!
My younger daughter has just phoned to ask if we can look after our youngest grandson on Thursday late afternoon and evening! This is the three year old. It is their Wedding Anniversary on that day and they want to go out for dinner to celebrate.
So that will be nice!
I shall be out for part of the day - "ladies who lunch" - but home by the time he will arrive about 4 pm
He is an absolute poppet!
At least two of our grandkids live reasonably near! We are very lucky really!
Re World War 3 about to develop on the other thread? I agree with you that there are very good "walking" trousers available, should hiking be the purpose in mind, but regarding simply clothes to wear, I like jeans/ jeggings !
And how does a girl called 'Clementine' fit into all this? You've lost me there?
The only 'Clementine' I know comes from the song "Oh, my darling Clementine"? you know, the one that begins, "In a cavern , in a canyon, excavating for a mine...."
I had to google "Five boys chocolate bar"..... the things you have me doing!
You are quite right! it was made by Frys and the wrapper shown has a picture of five boys on it!
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11th August 2015, 22:52
Elle, you are free to like whatever you choose!!
Me too, and I think jeans are awful.
I wore them working on building sites for years, out of necessity, but there are far better work trousers available now.
Jeans became popular in the Californian gold fields.
Clementine's pa mined for gold. So, it is likely that, there being no Primark in the gold fields, that Clementine wore jeans, too!
Is Five Boys still made?
And whatever happened to Spangles!
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11th August 2015, 23:24
Hi, Rusty!
Maybe we should keep off the subject of jeans....!
(I love the thought process about Clementine, though!)
I seem to remember from my googling Five Boys that it said they were withdrawn in 1976?
No idea about Spangles - I've heard of them but never tasted one!
Getting even more nostalgic, whatever happened to Uncle Joe's mint balls? Did you have those as a child?
And Pontefract cakes? I never see those about any more- I did love them, too!
Well....... one advantage of being 'child-free' again, is I get to go out early morning with the dog! I had to forego that whilst the grandkids were here, and I do so love being out in the early morning!
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12th August 2015, 00:30
This is a wind up, right?
Uncle Joe's mint balls? Seriously?
Well, good for Uncle Joe is all I can say!
I was never near them, no!
Have Pontefract cakes another name?
So, one grandson on Thursday, just?
You should cope!
I have been reading about the 4th Cohort of Gauls.
They retreated South from Antonine's wall to Vindolanda. It appears the Romans abandoned Antonine's Wall and concentrated their forces at Hadrians Wall? Maybe the Picts were too warlike for them? I find it fascinating reading the tablets and gravestones of the 4th Cohort, that have been found at Vindolanda.
And more history being uncovered with every passing year!
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12th August 2015, 09:26
Hello, Elle!
Cloudy day here!
Sorry, I did not comment on your last post about jeans!
I was distracted!
For me, you may chat away about jeans if you like. I am neither a member of the fashion, or the forum, police!
I noticed on your post to Rosalind that you purchased your Nubucks from Trespass?
We had/have one of their stores in town.
Good gear at sensible prices!
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12th August 2015, 10:19
Good morning, Rusty!
It was good to be out by 8am again - I really missed my early walk with the dog whilst the grandsons were here!
Dreich at first, but a watery sun is battling with cloud at the moment. ( I've just risked putting out my washing!)
Now..... would I "wind you up"? Me ?
"Uncle Joes" as they were commonly called, are / were dark brown (sticky ) spheres. Very warming, so we kids would be given one to suck on the cold wintry morning walk to school!
Pontefract cakes ( so called because they were made in Pontefract in Yorkshire) are also know as Pomfret cakes. Does this ring any bells?
Yes, Trespass is a great shop for good value - my Nubucks are one of my "best buys". So stout yet comfortable.
I am planning on 'chilling out' this morning....... crosswords , reading, no manual labour whatsoever
Grandparents 'rest' day!!
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