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29th December 2018, 22:51
Hi, Rusty!
Now that is interesting, Rusty......
This new dance show sounds somewhat similar to "The Voice" .
In the singing contest, the coaches sit with their backs to the singer (s), and only turn their chairs, if they think the singer's talent warrants it.
In the Dance show, according to the article you sent, the judges and the audience are watching behind a two-way mirror and the wall opens to expose the dancer(s) if they are deemed good enough to proceed further.
I think there are definitely similarities in production there?
I may record it and see what it is like!
Time now for a hot drink before bed......
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29th December 2018, 23:06
Hello, Elle!
That is what crossed my mind.
The similarity to The Voice.
Is The Voice a Simon Cowell show?
He seems to own many of these shows!
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29th December 2018, 23:40
Hi, Rusty!
As far as I am aware, I don't think Simon Cowell has anything at all to do with "The Voice"?
It appears to be the brain child of someone called John De Mol.
Do you know of him?
I guess one could hardly call the dancing show a copycat venture, but it certainly doesn't sound all that original!
A kind of copycat reversal?
It will be interesting to see how it works...and how well it catches on with the viewing public.
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30th December 2018, 10:19
Good morning, Elle!
Dry and dull here, so far.
Anything from the "bugees"?
I thought of another word for bugees, but it would not do for a Sunday morning!
I shall record The Greatest Dancer but I have a suspicion I won't like it...but we shall see!
This is on YouTube.

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30th December 2018, 11:05
Good morning, Rusty!
Dull here, too...and mild.
I prefer a more invigorating introduction to my day!
A fresh breeze, and some sunshine to bring a little light to bear on the dark mornings, would be nice.
I have finished my Everyman crossword - a nice puzzle today, with some pleasing parses.
Also my parcel has arrived, exactly on the earlier limit of its "time slot"!
Well done, DPD - I am impressed!
Now the 'invalids'.....
I have suggested they wait until tomorrow to more day might make a lot of difference to how they are feeling...and cut down on the risk of passing on their germs.
They will set off early morning, and arrive here by lunchtime.
This sounds the most sensible option?
I am still thinking of your other word for "bugees".....?
Uhm..... I have just watched "The Greatest Dancer" video...
Apart from the fact that the audience is choosing here, rather than the coaches as in "The Voice" - and one is dancing and the other singing - it is almost plagiarism!
What are you up to, today?
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30th December 2018, 11:31
Hello, Elle!
Seems good advice you have given, I think.
I am sure they will not travel if not germ free (in as much as that is possible).
My other word is best left out of civilised chat!
I share your opinion on The Greatest Dancer.
Very like The Voice.
I do not take to Cheryl Cole, but I shall watch the first episode to give it a chance.
I do not know the other two judges/panelists.
No plans today.
Taking it easy and eating Polos.
....and making soup!
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30th December 2018, 12:56
Hi, Rusty!
What soup are you making?
I have wrapped up the parcel is a surprise present for my husband for his birthday
He does not know anything about it!
And, and crosswords, over and done with..... I have a spare day before me....
I was expecting to be very busy with family around me...but there we go...such is life!
I shall make the most of the leisure time...the lull before the storm, so to speak!
I am taking the dog for a mere stroll......and then I shall read my book.....with my feet up!
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30th December 2018, 15:11
Hi, Rusty!
It is drizzling now.. ...I am not surprised, as it has been such a generally miserable sort of dull, dark day.
I am not going out husband has just popped down the road for the Sunday Times.
How about you? Have you been out for a walk?
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30th December 2018, 15:38
Hello, Elle!
My soup has no name, there is no recipe to it.
Mainly lentils and I throw other stuff in as well.
it usually turns out OK, though.
It has not been a great day here, too.
I have been out for a short walk.
Now I am writing out my list for Hogmanay shopping.
Will be at shop earlyish tomorrow.
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30th December 2018, 16:03
Hi, Rusty!
Are you shopping for food for Hogmanay? or presents?
A list sounds important!
I know that for all of you up in Scotland, Hogmanay is more usually a bigger celebration than is Christmas.
My cousin would rig himself up in all his glory - kilt and all - and go first footing.
Are you going to do that this year ...I know that you often do?
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