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26th September 2018, 12:36
Good morning, Elle!
Fine breezy here.
No restrictions on bridge.
You should get Bill's 2-in-one on Amazon or eBay.
I have been out this morning doing stuff.
Will watch a bit of the cycling later, and my oldest son is calling after tea time.
So, that's my day!
23021 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th September 2018, 14:39
Hi, Rusty!
It is good that your weather has improved overnight......and no storm in sight!
It is still lovely here.
I have been having coffee with a friend this morning.
It is always good to catch up in person!
I have ordered Bill's double volume from Amazon...a hard backed book, very good condition, for a total cost of £2-87.
I prefer to use Amazon when i am in funds there, as then I have no further outlay!
So that is effectively three books I have on order!
It is time I started filling some more cardboard boxes!
23022 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th September 2018, 16:14
Hello, Elle!
Lovely day, but breezy!
That is a good deal you got from Amazon.
You will like the book/s.
I have been doing wee jobs here, before my son comes to see me later!
23023 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th September 2018, 16:47
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, glorious weather!
And warmed up nicely from this morning!
I have been out with the dog...and then have been sitting reading in the garden!
I have now finished "Notes..."
I shall read "When We are Sixty" now!
But I think perhaps I should re-read "When We are Six" first?
I have the entire boxed edition of "Winnie-the Pooh"!
A wonderful collection of stories!
Have a nice chat with your elder son!
23024 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2018, 16:30
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We are finally home again after a most enjoyable day out!
The weather is absolutely beautiful...... the temperature is up in the low twenties!
Is this what they call an "Indian Summer"?
I had computer problems early this morning.......and couldn't access anywhere.....but all seems to be back on track now.
How are you?
Is all well with you and yours?
I've just had a quick look and you don't seem to have been about?
23025 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2018, 20:28
Good evening, Elle!
Been a fine day here, too.
All fine here.
I have been doing wee jobs around the house, with trips to Screwfix, and B&Q, to break the day up
And I watched a bit of the Ryder Cup opening ceremony.
Great weather in France!
An early trip to Screwfix tomorrow and then watching the Ryder Cup.
Looking forward to it!
23026 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2018, 21:06
Hi, Rusty!
It sounds as though you have been having a busy day!
Screwfix is a good husband is always receiving catalogues from there.
I have been thrown all out of gear today...…...
I wasn't able to print out my crossword, as the computer was down this morning, so I have been attempting to do the puzzle this evening.
I see that "ana" has made another appearance!
There have been quite a few duplications lately , haven't there?
And in 4d...I thought "leeward" meant "going away from the wind"...(with "windward" meaning facing it)...... rather than "coming to blows"?
I am very confused!
I cannot do two clues.......
8a: Pocket area of snooker table for pot (4)
3d: Marketing ploy of a number that's taken in wrong spirit (9)
What am I not seeing here, please?
With being out, I unfortunately missed my daughter's phone call on her way home from work.......we shall catch up tomorrow!
23027 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2018, 21:30
Elle, as Rusty doesn't seem to be around, maybe I can help.

8 Weed - wee = pocket (pocket = very small is in Chambers) +D, area on a snooker table. Weed, pot, definition.

3 Rebadging, marketing ploy. Reg is the 'number' (car reg) with Bad, wrong and Gin, spirit, inside.
23028 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2018, 21:35
Could 8 ac be Weed, elle? Pocket size, wee (small), D area of snooker table, weed=pot.
Toolstation cheaper than Screwfix, but have said this before!
23029 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2018, 21:36
Great minds, malone!
23030 of 30765  -   Report This Post