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25th September 2018, 14:20
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, a beautiful day here, too.
Although it was exceedingly chilly first thing this morning when I was out with the dog - only 3C!
We are promised a high of 15C this afternoon.
I had forgotten just how "critical" Bill was, when writing "Notes from a Small Island."
Indeed, if he did not repeatedly say how much he loves might wonder at times if he hated it!!
His approach to "A Walk in the Woods" and "Down Under" was far more moderate in tone.
Still, never- the-less, I am considering buying "The Road to Little Dribbling".
This is a sequel to "Notes ...."
(Subtitled, I think, "More Notes...."?)
Have you read this?
I shall take a look on Amazon later...
Right now....... I am away to the park!
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25th September 2018, 14:46
Hello, Elle!
The last two Bryson books I read were "The Road to Little Dribbling"
and "One Summer:America 1927" (I think that was the title!)
They were OK, but not as good as "Down Under", or "A Walk in the Woods".
That is only my opinion though.
You may find them very good.
Have a look at Bill's Amazon page?
All his books are there.
23012 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th September 2018, 17:12
Hi, Rusty!
What a lovely afternoon it has been ....we had a great walk!
The reason I am considering "The Road to Little Dribbling" is that I am curious to see what added comments Bill had to make about our "island".
I do think, though, that I prefer "Down Under", which was completely new to me ,rather than "Notes....", which was a re-read.
Perhaps because the comments were "kinder"?
No less amusing...but just not as caustic!
Pperhaps I am being pernickety.....
23013 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th September 2018, 18:12
Hello, Elle!
There was something that annoyed me in "Little Dribbling" but I can not remember what!
Other than that it was fine.
Just what you would expect from Bill!
"Down Under" was an excellent read.
I liked the "proto-ants"!
I don't think you are being pernickety.
I think some of his books are better than others, though.
In "1927" there was a factual error, which surprised and disappointed me, but it was a good read just the same!
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25th September 2018, 20:12
Hi, Rusty!
Perhaps it is easier to accept the sometimes caustic comments Bill makes when they are about an area or place unfamiliar to one's self?
I accepted it in "Down Under".......
I didn't like it so much in "Notes..." !
And when Bill didn't even know where to find a curry in Manchester...I even began to wonder if he really did "know" the city.
But setting all that aside, and accepting what I am told at face value.....I am still finding "Notes...." a good read.
One cannot help but chuckle.....
I have ordered " The Road to Little Dribbling" from Amazon!
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25th September 2018, 20:52
Hello, Elle!
The wind is rising here!
Hope there is no storm forecast!
Think it is Callum next.
I don't have "Little Dribbling" any more.
I am sure you will like it.
I found a two-in-one, though.
"The Lost Continent" and "Neither Here Nor There".
The Lost Continent is about smalltown America, and the other one is about Europe.
They are both good.
23016 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th September 2018, 21:15
My daughter and her husband caught the 11.20 ferry to the north of Arran this morning. They were told "if you are on a day trip, we advise you not to go - the return ferry might not be runnning"! Fortunately they are staying for a few days....
23017 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th September 2018, 21:48
Hi, Rusty!
All is quiet and peaceful here...a tad chilly again, now that night has fallen.
I hope that you are not going to have a storm...
I haven't heard anything about storm Callum heading your way?
I shall take a look at the volume encompassing both "The Lost Continent" and "Neither Here Nor There".
These 2-in -1 books work out really good value , don't they?
Did you see it on Amazon?

I hope your daughter and her husband will not get caught up in a storm, Chris - and will be able to enjoy their break in peace!
The ferry warning did not augur well, though.
23018 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th September 2018, 22:12
Hello, Elle!
I think our wind is relatively local, gusting up to 40 mph.
No double deckers allowed on bridge, so it must be a strong wind blowing down the river.
Not heard of Callum calling, yet!
Yes, my book came from Amazon, Elle, it is a hardback.
If you go to Amazon, type you "Neither Here Nor There" in first, and the 2 in 1 should come up.
Hardback roughly £2.80, with free p&p, in good/very good condition.
23019 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th September 2018, 10:00
Good morning, Rusty!
We have another beautiful day here!
It is good to see the sunshine, yet have it cold enough to warrant striding out enthusiastically.
Good walking weather!
What happened about your strong wind...and the bridge restrictions?
Is all calm again today?
I am going to check out that double volume by Bill Bryson..... I shall order it, if I can find it at a reasonable price.
We have no special plans for today....
How about you?
23020 of 30765  -   Report This Post