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7th July 2018, 19:40
Good evening, Elle!
I like McEnroe now.
He is a good commentator.
As is Tracy Austin and she seems to be a very nice person.
How is your man Novak getting on?
21801 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th July 2018, 19:44
Good evening, Pigale!
Hope you are well!
It is warm here, too!
I do not know M Paire, I'm afraid, but it appears I am not missing much?
Well, Le Tour is under way.
A pretty uneventful stage, it seemed.
And the weather was kind to them, little or no crosswinds!
21802 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th July 2018, 20:00
Rusty, I must admit to not being very interested in the very
first few of Le Tour this year, view the route! The odd part might
be OK such as Mur de Bretagne and the bit of cobbles round Roubaix,
but otherwise...........
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7th July 2018, 20:25
Hello, Pigale!
I know what you mean.
Though I am looking forward to Monday's Team Time Trial at Cholet.
That will shake up the GC, and I love the team time trial!
Yes, the Mur and the cobbles going to Roubaix should be great.
Paris-Roubaix is my very favourite race!
Saw Froome crashing into a field today but no harm done, although he lost a bit of time.
21804 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th July 2018, 20:49
Hi, Rusty!
Novak won the match!
But Kyle Edmund played extremely well and it went to four sets.
Novak had a bit of bad luck when Kyle hit a ball that had bounced twice , then sent the return shot out.......and both were allowed!
Novak hadn't realised that the shot was eventually out...but he raised the issue of the double bounce with the Umpire, but his objection was overruled!
The commentators brought it up on Hawkeye later and showed it to the television viewers!
Fortunately, Novak kept his calm..... and went on to win!
Another men's seed is out.... Alexander Zverev.
It is certainly a tournament of upsets!
I'm glad to hear you, too, like McEnroe........
I remember recommending his book to you ..... oh, quite a while back now........
Did you ever read it?

Hello, Pigale!
I'd never come across Benoit Paire before.
I do know a lot of French tennis players, but his name has never surfaced.
I'm happy for it to be another long time before I see him again!
Yes, very hot seems to be getting worse by the day!
We are fitting in a longer dog walk very early morning, whilst this heat prevails.
I am glad to have the tennis to watch!
21805 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th July 2018, 20:55
Hello, Elle!
I saw a bit of Novak's game.
He was playing quite well.
I have not read McEnroe's book.
I like him, though, but not as much as I like Tracy Austin!
Just hearing a policeman has been rushed to hospital.
They suspect he has been contaminated with Novichok.
Goodness knows where this will end!
21806 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th July 2018, 22:09
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear! Is this a new attack on the policeman?
I haven't heard anything about it?
Where did it happen?
Do the authorities know why?
Can you imagine what would happen should there be another war?
We are living in a sick world.......
I fear for my grandchildren.
I'm sitting quietly is still extremely hot here.
21807 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th July 2018, 23:28
Hi Elle and Rusty,*

Is this second policeman in hospital because it is feared he has
been contaminated by Novichok or has is actually been contaminated
'for sure'?


Re your post 21805 (last night around 8pm) did you really mean this

'We are fitting in a longer dog walk very early morning, whilst this heat 'prevails'?
Blame it on the heat!
Looking at your BBC UK weather, it seems your temps will
gradually come down during this coming week.

Think ours will follow the same pattern - so cheer up, it won't
last for ever!!!

21808 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th July 2018, 23:30
Elle, forget my last post re 'prevails' -
I read it as though you were walking early while heat prevails!
Doh! !!!
21809 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th July 2018, 06:02
Good morning, Elle and Pigale!
I got the "news" about the policeman on Twitter.
He had gone to the hospital for "medical advice".
He was then taken to another hospital as there was a possibility he had been contaminated with Novichok.
Thankfully, he has been given the "all clear", according to Sky News.
Sorry if I had alarmed you.
21810 of 30765  -   Report This Post