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19th June 2018, 19:07
Hello, Ros.
The vet doesn't seem to think the warts are anything to worry about, so long as they remain benign...any sign of their growing much bigger or changing colour, and they can be removed.
Fortunately ( in a way) the dog has to go every two months to have her anal glands the vet will be able to keep a regular check on the warts, whilst the dog is there.
Fingers crossed there will be no problem.
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19th June 2018, 21:55
Hello Elle and Ros,

I did not know that dogs could get warts either; Never heard of a
dog with a wart in my circle of dog-owners.

Yes, Ros, the patches irrite the skin, or rather they make it become
very itchy, and for a long while, the skin feels rough. I have a very
good cream to deal with that, but the main thing (recommended
by Doctors) is, when you take the old patch off, to wash the skin
thoroughly, using a lot of soap; also the old patch is to be put inside
the special package in which the new patch is held secure. So
obviously there should not be a risk of other people being
'contaminated' by the patch.

They are very strict (here at least) for prescription renewal - 28 days
ie 4 weeks, to the day, and if I don't go to the pharmacist within
2 days after the prescription has been written, then it is considered
null and void!
Well, I suppose it is a drug!

If I can't do without the morphine for the pain, then I shall ask
my GP to give me tablets instead, but they don't work in the same
way -

I do not watch TV Ros! Only DVDs of my own choice and I have
hundreds of them, some I watch more than once - in fact the
majority of them.
I've just finished the DVD made of BBC series on 'Elizabeth R' with
Glenda Jackson - catching on my English history in this way, so
long as the films are trustworthy, and BBC serials are generally
very good.
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20th June 2018, 10:06
Bump !!!
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20th June 2018, 10:18
Well bumped, Pigale!
What a lot of spam!
A pity these perpetrators cannot find anything more worthwhile to do!
I am back from my walk..... and we are are now just about to go out for the day!.
Dull here, but warm......heavy …..hope we - and you ! - do not have rain!
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20th June 2018, 10:29
Hi pigale

I see some GP in the Uk is still being investigated for over-use of morphine- and people who need it desperately can't get enough, largely because of Shipman. "They" seem concerned about addiction even if someone has only a few weeks to live. I'm pleased to see that there is going to be a rethink about medicinal cannabis, though. I think it should be decriminalised anyway.
Am back to conservatory glass cleaning now!
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20th June 2018, 17:23
Hi Ros,

I hope you are getting the best of your battle with the conservatory
glass cleaning! You would not be able to do it here at present
as there is not a single cloud in the sky (30C) and glass cleaning
and sun don't go too well together!

I too would like cannabis to be legalised - it would stop some bad
stuff being sold by dealers, and prohibition has never stopped
people from doing what they want!

I tend to agree that Morphine can become addictive, although I
don't feel the need for a stronger dosage, and this is why I would
like to reduce and gradually arrive at zero microgram of the stuff.
I am not sure how difficult/easy it is to have it prescribed here,
but GP are under strict control I believe.
Shipman prescribed Diamorphine, didn't he, which is another
appellation for Heroin, which is hardly ever prescribed.
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20th June 2018, 19:47
I only read that about Shipman. Time was when, if you had something painful from which you were dying, you could have all the morphine needed to control the pain even if it did shorten your life. Prue Leith described her brother's death which was truly gruesome because he was never given enough.
It was cloudy here when I was cleaning the roof panels- I only did two, and all the front panels. The roof is really difficult as it is so wide. The glass was described as "self-cleaning" but still acquires blobs of moss which stick and leave residues. Inside the roof is even worse, I get dizzy.
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21st June 2018, 00:27
Congratulations, Pigale!
I am late looking in, but have just seen that you have won "Clueless"! Well done!
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21st June 2018, 22:26
Thank you Elle!

Sorry for the delay in replying, had a rather busy day today in
town, then a friend's son came to cut some lawn and weeds
and I finally managed to eat my salad type meal two hours later
than usual!
Then collapsed in armchair and watch an episode of my current
DVD - Marie Antoinette - to be followed by a long series about
La Révolution Française. These are all things we covered at school
but since history was all dates to be learnt by heart, with perhaps the odd anecdote thrown in, I find it much more interesting at this
later stage of my life!

Yes, I was very pleased with the win, and Paul's clue - he came
second - was extremely good, probably better than mine, but
we never think of our own clue as being the best!

It has been less sunny today, which was perhaps a good thing for
me in town, but sun is due back tomorrow I believe. Very windy
tonight though, and I noticed that it was extremely blowy up at
the Loch!

Have you done anything interesting today?
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21st June 2018, 22:57
Hi Ros, if you are about?

Did you manage to finish your glass cleaning in conservatory?
or at least the outside perhaps. It sounds like a lot of work.

I believe Doctors in France are still allowed some leeway when it
comes to reduce the pain in hopelessly ill patients, and that is a
good thing. (and there are Doctors who, even when not really
supposed to do so, will give what they can safely give without
creating problems for themselves - those are what I call 'human'.
To my mind, view the progress of medicine, no one should be let to suffer and be in agony, particularly towards the end of their
lives anyway!

Are you going to take a breather from spring cleaning for the

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