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11th June 2018, 18:06
Hello, Pigale!
I am at home now for the rest of the day......
It has been a warm day here - similar temperature to yours - but fresher than yesterday.
Much pleasanter out walking.
Very quiet on the forum today......I did my crosswords early this morning, Only two clues unanswered and I am still working on those "on and off"!
I have just looked in on Lassie...the chicks are really getting big now.
How are the kestrel babies making out?
I cannot always access the website?
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11th June 2018, 20:46
I have reported the spam post
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11th June 2018, 23:06
Hello Elle,

The kestrel babies are doing fine and seemed very lively just now
when I looked in.
I am at a loss to understand why you have problems accessing
the site - and yet you did manage to do so yesterday?
As far as I am concerned, this webcam is even more reliable than
the barn owls one.

Finally I think our thunderstorms are leaving the country!
I read that it had been the worse month of May, in terms of serious
thunderstorms, in 20 years! Several people died, and a lot
of flooding around due to torrential rain.

The cherry trees are laden with fruit, but the cherries are tasteless
and watery - what a shame!

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12th June 2018, 13:05
Hello, Pigale!
When I was searching, this morning, for the right website to find the baby kestrels, I came across some info that I thought was relating to them?
But then I lost it again...
Did the original Kestrel female die ?
(Similar scenario to what happened to Brenda, the owl mum)
And then another female came along and mated with the male and laid another batch of eggs?
Or did I somehow happen upon a second different lot of kestrels?
I am confused!
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12th June 2018, 13:54
Hello Elle!

I have not seen the info you mentioned - I'll have a look, but since
I have already looked down to the first comment put by DWT to
inform us of the new webcam, I would tend to think your info
concerns another family? A wild guess though!

I don't even know what kestrel nests are under scrutiny - will have
to investigate!

Weather very pleasant - at last!
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12th June 2018, 15:17
Hello, Pigale!
I have managed to find that news item about the kestrels again.
This time I succeeded in reading it throughout, without "losing" it!
It was the same site.....but had happened three years earlier!!!!
Anyway, not relevant...but mystery solved!
Warm here...but a bit dull.
Going out for a walk…...
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12th June 2018, 15:31
Hello Elle,

I was just about to send you the following link when I saw your

Is this what you meant?

I have only just found it.

Hope you enjoy your walk!
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12th June 2018, 20:34
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, that was the article!.
I never got chance to read the date first time around!.
21368 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th June 2018, 19:51
I read the Loch of the lowes blog- the rangers report that Laddie isn't bringing in any or perhaps many fish. He appears to be fishng but doesn't actually dive. Scotland is also threatened withs storms tomorrow. Let's hope the chicks survive.

I bought prickles to bury in the earth and an ifra-red detector that sets of sonar in an attempt to keep cats out of my garden. And some "Patch Magic" in an attempt to prevent badgers ploughing up my lawn.
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13th June 2018, 20:57
Hi, Ros!

Yes, I read that too, but fortunately the Rangers do not seen to think that Laddie is abandoning the nest, even though he is bringing in fewer fish..
Let us hope that he brings in more food tomorrow.
I haven't heard the weather forecast for that area….
I hope the chicks will okay.

I think down here we are continuing to have good weather!
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