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4th March 2018, 23:23
Hello, Elle!
I think I know the Daniel you mean!
I did not see the men's pole vaulting.
Yes, there has been a lot of athletics on TV.
just read that Jamie Murray and Bruno Soares have won a tournament in Mexico.
I have a couple of chores to do tomorrow, weather and roads permitting.
Think they should be OK now!
19471 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2018, 10:14
Good morning, Rusty!
A pleasant walk this morning - sunshine and blue sky; warmer temperature.
All the snow has gone , leaving mud in its stead......but that is an acceptable alternative!
Apart from a very dirty dog!
The lakes are still frozen though.
I am not sure if you will be about right now to read I know you have a few chores to do, that involve your going out.
I also have a few jobs to sort out here, and then later, we sadly have a funeral to attend.
We should probably leave home about 11.45 am.......and will be back again about tea-time.
I hope your day goes well!
19472 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2018, 11:42
Good morning, Elle.
Still snowing heavily here this morning.
Main roads are OK.
Side roads are treacherous.
I managed to get out and get chores done.
Boots are going to do my prescription that Lloyds have no stock for.
I'll collect it tomorrow.
I see the scoundrels at Team Sky making the News again!
Thank goodness for the Laura Muirs of the sporting world.
She is back at Uni today!
19473 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2018, 16:05
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear, I am sorry about your snow...... and just when it was beginning to look as if it were all ending.......!
Still, at least you managed to get out safely and achieve your objects.
We had a good day weather- wise for my friend's funeral.
All went well - if one can say such a thing about a funeral.
It was a Humanist Service and was conducted very nicely by the celebrant.
We very nearly didn't get there in time.......remind me never again to get into a car with both my husband and the Sat- Nav!
Yes, I have read about Team Sky in the News..... the iffy jiffy bag raising its head again!
I have not yet had time to look at a crossword!
Have you done yours?
19474 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2018, 17:01
Hello, Elle!
My snow has stopped.
We have "alerts" for, snow, ice, and now, floods!
Yes, I got my wee tasks done.
The last two funerals I have attended were Humanist ones.
I think I prefer them.
You are very brave to trust a Sat-Nav, whatever about your husband!
I am in the "anybody but Team Sky camp" when the cycling is on TV.
Even Wiggins said last week, he would advise any up and coming rider not to go near them, as they would be ruined.
Yes, I have completed my puzzle.
Took me a wee while to get going, but a fine challenge, for me, anyway.
19475 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2018, 18:48
Hi, Rusty!
This was only the second Humanist funeral that I have ever attended.
The first was about ten years ago and was for one of my cousins.
That, too, was a very moving ceremony.
I like the idea of the especial emphasis being on a celebration of the deceased's life.....rather than just feeling sorrow at their parting......
But there is such a lot of personal information disclosed, though....if this is, in fact, the norm?
On a brighter note, I have been chatting to my (younger) daughter, and we have been planning what to do at the weekend, to note our threefold celebration of two birthdays and Mother's Day!
BB suggests "going out to eat"!
I have missed "Eggheads" - must catch up with the recording!
19476 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2018, 20:52
Good evening, Elle!
What I like about the humanist services are there are no hymns.
I prefer them to church services.
Raining here now, but still a lot of snow about.
Hope you caught the Eggheads!
19477 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2018, 21:47
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I watched Eggheads.
Chris, one of the older Eggheads was saying how much he liked Bill Bryson, and that he had actually met him!
I am has been a difficult, rather upsetting day.......
I am away to my bed, whilst I still have the energy to get there!
Talk tomorrow.....
Good night!
19478 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2018, 21:58
Hello, Elle!
I like Bryson, too.
His wife, Cynthia, is an English lady that he met in Virginia Water.
Not sure where that is.
Yes, off to bed with you.
You can not beat restorative sleep!
Good night, too!

19479 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2018, 09:42
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine day here, and mildish.
Still very muddy ground - hence filthy dog - though.
I hope your snow has finally ceased?
Btw, Victoria Water is a very expensive commuter town in Surrey.
It is about four miles away from where friends of ours live in Staines, where property is much more affordable for the average person!
I am drinking coffee, and eating my apple and cheese......
And, at 10 o'clock, I am then going off to have my hair trimmed (about an inch!)
The dog and I are looking similar...she needs a hair cut , too!
I have been awaiting warmer weather before taking her to the Groomer.
Have you got anything planned for today?
19480 of 30765  -   Report This Post