Hi, Rusty!
Now I have heard about box jellyfish.... they are potentially lethal, are they not....having a poisonous venom?
Yes, your grandson had best stay away from them!
I hope you are okay, having called in to see your GP?
(To get a prompt appointment with our GP, one needs to plan being ill ahead of the event!)
Yes, the 15 x 15 was a good one today!
I have finished it all bar one parsing.......
20a: Where punters are withdrawing computer game (9)
I have "Cambridge" from the crossers.
I wondered whether "Cam" (the river) might be "where punters are"?
But I think I have this wrong, as I cannot go any further?
16d was my last one in, and I got this - "cadastral" - from the parsing!
I had to look up the word to check its meaning.........
It was a new word for me.
Yes, "balalaika" was a good one!
A friend named his dog after "Laika"!
Hello, Pigale!
I am glad that you managed to organise accommodation for your cats, whilst you were in hospital.
Yes, it makes sense to leave them there until you feel able to care for them.
My dog does not appear to "mind" the heat...but I still do not take her out when the temperature is very high.
I have been getting up about 5am and going out much earlier than usual, while it has been minimally fresher.