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11th January 2017, 21:28
Hello, Elle!
It seems snow is on the way!
Very cold outside. Freezing.
My son has just texted asking if I had a power cut!
I think he may have.
I looked into the loch site earlier and it was blowing a gale there!
I discovered "Homes" recently.
It is on in the morning.
Folk buy houses at auction and we see how they do them up.
Some are absolute horrors, floors missing etc, but usually turn out very well, once they have been renovated.
It is an eye opener.
You would wonder how any sane folk would touch them!
Tomorrow, the properties are, a former bank in Crewe, a flood damaged home in Cumbria, and a two-bedroomed flat in Tooting, London.
My son's power is back on!
"Homes" is on Monday to Friday. 10 a.m. BBC 1.
11781 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2017, 21:38
Update, Elle!
Forth Road Bridge has re-opened.
The welders repairing the bridge finished much sooner than expected.
A crane then lifted the lorry clear of the bridge.
Well done, Forth Bridge staff!
11782 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2017, 22:20
Hi, Rusty!
It is going colder here, too.
Just opened the back door to let the dog out into the garden...... and brrrh!...... it is pretty nippy.
A friend is driving over from Benfleet ( in Sussex) tomorrow to see me........
I am wondering if it would be wiser if she didn't attempt the journey?
Probably she will decide tomorrow morning.
It might also be advisable if the weather worsens to cancel tomorrow's "Ladies who Lunch."
We shall see!
Did your son text you again regarding his power cut?
Or could you see a black-out area from where you live?
Is the Forth Bridge fully opened now, or is it restricted to single decker traffic?
Btw, I never got round to doing a crossword!
11783 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2017, 23:18
Hello, Elle!
Forth Bridge open to all traffic.
Wind speed 33 mph.
Tay Bridge closed to double decked buses.
My son's power cut lasted 5 minutes.
Yes, I can see his house from here.
If the roads are anyway dodgy at all, your Benfleet (new to me) friend should not budge.
Our gritters are out.
How are your daughter and you getting on with TV's and tables?
11784 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th January 2017, 10:04
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine early morning, a mite chilly but a pleasant walk.
However, according to the weather forecast for our area, we shall have heavy rain in three minutes!
There is nary a cloud in the sky at present, so that seems most unlikely!
How are your strong winds? I hope they have died down somewhat overnight?
Any sign of snow?
My friend from Benfleet has texted to say that she is on her she has obviously decided to risk the weather.
I am drinking coffee and going to try and fit in a crossword (or two) before she arrives!
How about you?
Any plans for the day?
11785 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th January 2017, 11:48
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, but we have had snow overnight.
Roads are pretty much OK, though.
Temperature is around zero.
No winds.
The young ones have all reached their jobs without a problem.
Miss O concerned me, as she had to drive to Blairgowrie and I thought she may have problems.
Some hills and sharp bends on that road.
She is fine, though.
And Miss AOW made it to the gym at 6.15 this morning!
No plans for me.
Cleared the snow from my car and drove to ASDA.
A walk later on, hopefully!
11786 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th January 2017, 15:09
Hi, Rusty!
I must have just missed your post this morning.
We met for lunch earlier than usual, because of the threat of snow to made sense to eat sooner than usual and then get home "just in case"!
My friend from Benfleet should hopefully make it back before anything dire comes upon us!
I think the snow is predicted for about 5 o'clock.
At the moment, it is absolutely pouring down! (cats, dogs, and pink elephants!)
It is good that your granddaughters all made it in to work.
How much snow have you had?
Did you manage a walk?
I completed the QC and started the 15 x15 before going out....I shall now see if I can finish it......
11787 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th January 2017, 16:21
Hello, Elle!
Just a light coating we had, of snow.
About half an inch.
It was freezing though and making everything slippy.
I hope your friend gets home safely.
Yes, I managed a walk.
Not far, mind.
Why "Bec" in "Tooting Bec"?
I noticed it on "Homes" earlier, at the railway station.
How is your "exploding" TV getting on?
11788 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th January 2017, 17:51
Good evening, Rusty!
Hey, we have snow!
At present, it is falling with great enthusiasm, but doesn't appear to be lying.
But watch this space.......I shall keep you informed!
Tooting Bec?
Tooting Bec is named after Bec Abbey in Normandy, which was given land here after the Norman conquest.
Tooting got its general name from the Totinges tribe (I think it's a Saxon tribe)
There is a sculpture, on Wandsworth Town Hall , of Saint Anselm , the second Abbot of Bec, visiting the Totinges tribe.
Yes, our TV is still making its erratic "explosive" noises....... I have been fiddling with the speakers to see if they are playing any part in this problem but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
The picture quality is still good though.
Just the awful sounds and "pops" that it keeps making!
It worries me!
Is your son still visiting you this evening?
11789 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th January 2017, 21:31
Hello, Elle!
Lucky you with the snow!
Freezing here.
That is interesting regarding Tooting Bec!
I think the sooner you replace your television set the better!
Yes, my son was here earlier.
He cheered me up by saying my car had snow on it!
I need it tomorrow, so it looks like scraping time in the morn!
11790 of 30765  -   Report This Post