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7th January 2017, 23:18
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the explanation.
I would never have got the cricket reference in a month of Sundays (and why "a month of Sundays"? I wonder how that expression came about?)
I have just done the Jumbo GK, as I didn't have the time earlier.
Nothing "strange or startling" there .
I am reading a detective thriller that I bought from a charity shop the other is making a change from Mr M's historical sagas - although I do have "Alaska" lined up to read next!
How is Dr Crippen getting on?
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7th January 2017, 23:48
Hello, Elle!
I wonder where ASDA get such delicious tomatoes in January?
I had two for supper, and they were super.
Now, I know little about cricket, but,...
When a bowler bowls the ball to a batsman, that is called a "delivery", as I understand it.
When he bowls six consecutive balls to the batsman, the six balls are termed an "over". I do not know why that is called an over, but it is.
So, (are you following this?) when you see "deliveries" in a clue, it may well mean the word "over" is in the answer.
And you have heard of VW?
I have not started on Dr Crippen yet, I am reading about a nasty piece of work in Pontypool called Rhoda Willis, who was a "baby farmer".
I hear John Grisham writes good detective type stories?
11722 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th January 2017, 09:13
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich but mildish , here.
How about in your neck of the woods?
Yes, John Grisham does write detective thrillers but always with a legal bent.
But I prefer authors such as Michael Connelly , Ian Rankin, John Harvey, and Mark Billingham.
There is more "meat" to the story.
John Grisham's books are what I would term an "easy read".
I have nearly finished the Everyman - I got an early start today.
How about you? Are you feeling better today?
Any plans?
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8th January 2017, 10:27
Good morning, Elle!
A fine morning here, and milder, and no wind!
Much better than yesterday's fog!
Did you understand my explanation of deliveries/over etc?
What newspaper is the Everyman in?
Is it a good one?
I am not too bad today.
Going out for a short spell in afternoon.
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8th January 2017, 10:45
Hi, Rusty!
Still damp here, the "lawn" is a morass!
All sodden and churned up by the dog's running around!
Yes thank you, I did understand your explanation .....I know the term "over", but never thought to connect it to "deliveries."
I shall remember that in future.
( I detest cricket.... to me, watching it is tantamount to watching paint dry!)
You can access the Everyman on the following link, and do it online
Though I always print it out.
Today's puzzle is a good one, though I have already parsed everything.
( I like a few "left -overs" to worry about!)
So where are you off to this afternoon?
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8th January 2017, 11:22
Hello, Elle!
I am not a fan of cricket either.
But, for crosswords, some setters use cricketing terms, now and again.
Handy to know them!
No crossword for me on Sundays, my day of rest.
I have no idea what/where I am at this afternoon.
But I must get out for some fresh air I think.
So, I shall wear a rarely used jacket and head out.
Miss La Bamba may visit later, too, though I think she may head to town with her Christmas money, instead.
Much better than visiting her old granddad, I suggested!
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8th January 2017, 12:10
Hi, Rusty!
I like the Everyman - maybe because each part of the clue is tied up explicitly in the answer, if you can follow that?
I know you consider this to be your "day of rest" but why not have a quick look at the crossword and see what you think?
Mind you, you might consider it too easy?
I am quite sure that Miss L-B will be very happy to visit her (I quote) "old -grandad"!
Don't put yourself down!
Your grandchildren obviously really enjoy spending time with you, else they would not visit so often!
Going out for some fresh air is a good idea, providing you wrap up well.
We are just away out ourselves - one impatient dog already at the door!
Back in a bit........
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8th January 2017, 16:04
Hello, Elle!
It is dreich up here. A night for the fireside!
I used to do the Sunday Times crossword, but found it to be not as challenging as the daily Times ones, and I lost interest in it.
So, I shall wait until tomorrow.
I have plenty of books to read, anyway.
Miss La Bamba has taken herself off to visit her Gran.
She was here for a while earlier, just after I returned from the Nature Trail.
And it was great seeing her, and listening to her stories!
She has two granddads, she tells folk, "Granddad", and "Crazy Granddad".
No comment!
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8th January 2017, 17:39
Hi, Rusty!
Dreich here, too, again!
But it did at least remain fine whilst we were out walking this afternoon.
Very poggy ground, though, after the incessant rain we have been having.
We actually do buy The Sunday Times, but on a Sunday I only do the Everyman crossword.
I think this is my favourite crossword puzzle of all time.
It is good that Miss L-B came see her "Crazy Grandad"!
You should be proud of such a title!
I am sure it is said with great affection!!
Do you feel the better for your stroll around the Nature Trail?
When is your appointment with your GP?
I must ring my (younger) daughter now, before it gets to bath time for the little ones....and then it is my turn this week to phone my cousin later this evening......
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8th January 2017, 18:18
Helle, Elle!
Yes, not the bestest weather today.
I am a tad pleased at my title!
Yes, I felt the benefit of my walk.
Was not very far, but...
I met one or two folk and exchanged greetings with them.
I like that.
I think everone has their favourite crossword.
The Times for me.
I must text the young ones then settle down for the evening.
May catch up with Dr Crippen later!
11730 of 30765  -   Report This Post