Good morning, Elle!
I do not have a Thesaurus, just Anne Bradford's Dictionary, which I like a lot.
A running thread through Chesapeake is about the Quakers.
That comes in to the story through Ruth Brinton, if my memory is correct.
You will like Ruth!
The Steeds of Devon are major characters in the story.
The Catholics/Protestant thing is used by Michener to get some of his characters to the Eastern Shore.
I'll say no more. Don't want to spoil the tale, for you!
Not read it yet, but The Times is carrying a story saying there is going to be a Parliamentary enquiry (I think, it is!) into the Wiggins/Team Sky/British Cycling, doping issue.
And what was in the mystery package!
And a report is due on the Shane Sutton/Jess Varnish carry on.
Who would be a cycling fan!
Now, off for my paper!