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8th October 2014, 14:18
Hi claxbypluckacre, welcome to this thread, but please note we do not give answers - just additional clues.
It takes the whole fun and the spirit of the quiz out of resolving the clues of the puzzle if you give the answer.
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8th October 2014, 14:57
Quite right Winnie but for someone new we can forgive it. I am going to put the jewelled collar round Neville or Marian's neck when I find out what it is!! Spent so long in reference library this morning looking through books on jewellery, modern, antique, vintage, but the books then led on to the sort of jewellery that peculiar people seem to enjoy attaching to their private parts and letting someone tug hard.....that and the very loud sniffing af a 'gentleman' reading the newspaper drove me out! Maybe you will answer, maybe not but does it begin with C or one of the 3 other letters from the word for the weight used in gold, the first letter of that word being the last letter of the answer? Why is it that I always have a couple that are so tricky but other people solve them quite quickly?
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8th October 2014, 15:35
Hi twinsnan - I hope claxbypluckacre will still consider me a friend willing to give help in the form of clues.
Re 33. The answer you are looking for is the name of a jewelled collar. Yes the word does begin with C.
You are looking for a 6 letter word for 'secret' put between the two letter abbrev. for a weight in gold. Good luck
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8th October 2014, 15:37
twinsnan, have you tried google ? You would find it in two seconds. I did :)
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8th October 2014, 15:39
crossed in the post with Winnie
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8th October 2014, 15:41
Hi, winnie and twinsnan. Some people would say that you are out of order asking for clues for this quiz in the first place. If you can't work it out from the given clue don't moan when given the answer. Please don't tell others what to do just because you may not agree with them.
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8th October 2014, 15:48
Hmmm. Surely the whole idea of this is to get clues. Year after year we get people being a bit touchy about it. It is no different from discussing it with friends who are also doing it, giving and getting hints. Sorry if I offended you with my reply.
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8th October 2014, 15:51
Thanks Winnie, I knew I was getting warmer. Thanks also Jazzgirl - yes I have googled and googled but with no success but will have another look now and hope I am lucky.
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8th October 2014, 16:19
Hi Winnie
I have been following this blog for some time. I am a keen fan of the Rainbow Quiz and I think I know the answer to 36 which has been bugging you and a few others. It is a mathematical clue which has nothing at all to do with vegetables. Pi is the sixteenth letter of the Greek Alphabet. The (square) root of 16 is 4. That clue is a water ice. Ends in T. Get It?
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8th October 2014, 16:52
Hi maeve, I was right with you up to the last sentence 'get it' !!
Then I looked up ice water in my chambers and found a word ending with T. Brilliant. Thank you very much.
You realise that this answer though has messed up my balance of G's and T's so I am back to the drawing board there !
What does everyone else think of this fresh approach to 36 ?
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