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7th October 2014, 18:49
33 has to be T though going by the clues and hints and I am 99% sure My flower at 37 begins with G so I must check again. Any comments would be very welcome, thank you all.
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7th October 2014, 20:08
Hi twinsnan - no-body seems to be helping you here so I will tell you that 33. ends with T, and 37 starts with G.

33 is a 6 letter word meaning 'secret' in the middle of two letters meaning the weight of gold for instance.

37 Is a three letter name of a type of fish + a three letter word for study + two letters meaning excellent.
Good Luck
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7th October 2014, 20:09
Hi Twinsnan
33 ends with a T
37 begins with a G
Well those are according to my answers
Good luck
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7th October 2014, 21:07
Hi. Is there anyone on the forum to-night to discuss this clue.
All answers must end or begin with the letters G or T.
36. Pi....(get to the root of this one!) 6 letters
I have one answer - if I turn pi, I get the name of a root vegetable.
Then I have a second answer where I make an anagram of pi and root and get the answer of a TV sleuth.
My mind has become 'addled' with this one and I would welcome some help.
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7th October 2014, 21:59
Winnie thank you so much for your kindness. So I have got 37 right, it was one of the easiest but I just wanted to check my numbers. I WILL solve the collar tomorrow and then count up once more. Will let you know when I have finished and will very much look forward to the next one......we always wonder what they will have lined up for us....amazing that they don't run out of ideas after all these years
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7th October 2014, 22:04
Anotheray. Thank you very much for that.

Winnie. Me too, still not sure, was veering to the veg having put the sleuth but now I am leaning back to him again. Help!
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lady bee

7th October 2014, 22:20
One answer begins with T, one ends with T. Surely when you've finished and add up all the answers, you'll see where one is lacking.
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8th October 2014, 10:19
I have just found this are a brilliant lot! Can anyone help me with clue 18, I do have an answer but can't quite fit the last two letters in with the clue.
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lady bee

8th October 2014, 10:57
If you can't fit the last two letters, then I don't think you have the right answer. Earlier in this thread, I think, there has been a discussion on this one.
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8th October 2014, 11:04
Hi, marmalade, welcome to the forum. I think the correct answer is T WADDLE.
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