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greedy kite

29th December 2013, 12:45
John Cleese: actor
lees=worst parts Inside
CE (Common Era)=AD

-----not easy!
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29th December 2013, 14:09
Still missing a few:
23ac Maidenhead exports English cask to East Jerusalem say. I have *y*n. *u*e. The y looks sketchy.
9ac Drain Scotch? Feel benefits mostly. E***e*l*
15d Tinny PA's last to be scrapped in South America.
Is it something tinny maybe bordered by SA or somewhere in South America? I've got *t*n*o**
It's a fun puzzle. Happy new year all.
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29th December 2013, 15:41
9a anagram of feel and most of benefit, meaning drain as verb form.

15d got but cannot explain at all!

And 23a am also utterly stumped. Any assistance greatly appreciated! Thanks all.
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29th December 2013, 16:12
15d) Tannoy = PA system (-y)

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29th December 2013, 16:14
And when you get the answer you'll see that it is something which is a bit TIN like.
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greedy kite

29th December 2013, 16:45
maidenhead (Greek) = Hymen minus e (English)
Blake's "Jérusalem"
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greedy kite

29th December 2013, 16:47
15d STANNOUS = tinny
Tanno(y) as already explained in S(outh) + US (America)

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greedy kite

29th December 2013, 16:51
9a "Scotch" perhaps in the sense of "maim" (see Chambers) i.e. following 2 wds are "damaged" = anagram ??? Otherwise clear I presume.
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29th December 2013, 17:01
I'm still flummoxed, knowing nothing of 4WDs or Arnold Schwarznegger. I googled his 4WD and it was a Puch. I have *u***e and no idea who Joe is.
Also any help with 16D would be appreciated.
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29th December 2013, 17:11
23rd Finally got it. Think of Jerusalem. Key word for me was cask.
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