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23rd February 2012, 10:56
I wonder if it`s the same compiler who does the Enigma? I always do that first to get my brain in gear for the x-word. This week there was only one `e` in the whole thing! Naughty. M.
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23rd February 2012, 11:37
As one newcomer to another ANGELMCM, one possible way to get your RT earlier, would be to have a friend in UK scan the crossword and Email it to you. I would offer to do this but my scanner is ready for the 6 down.
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23rd February 2012, 12:34
Plodder, yes, exactly what I am planning to do - if my other devilish plan doesn't work!
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23rd February 2012, 15:44
Good afternoon all,

I'm pleased to say that I finished this puzzle on Tuesday evening but I've no longer got a copy of the Radio Times and, for that reason, I can't really assist at the moment...

"What is he going on about?" I hear you cry. As many of you know, I live in Cheshire and my copy of the magazine and the other copies which were left after I took mine were all defective. Without repeating the sequence, which would bore you to tears, I had a repetition of television pages, no radio pages and no television pages for Friday, 2nd March.

I emailed the editor and, after some productive cross-mailing, my copy is now in London and a replacement is on its way to me.

In the circumstances, dear friends, perhaps you'll excuse my lack of contributions this week...

With best wishes,


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23rd February 2012, 16:16

I am experimenting with something here. I am a member of and I am posting a photo which I hope will appear. The reason for this: I hope that I can take a digital photo of the blank RT next week and post it here for anyone who wants it. If this works it will be a tiny miracle. The photo is a squirrel (or should be )
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23rd February 2012, 16:19
Jazzgirl you clever star - I see the squirrel!
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23rd February 2012, 16:21
angelmcm - I can't quite believe that it worked. Wow. I need a lie down. lol
Look out for next week's picture , fingers crossed.

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23rd February 2012, 16:31
Brilliant! I think you should have a lie down AND a cuppa! Just a thought - there wouldn't be any issues with copyright would there? I shouldn't like you to get into trouble.
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23rd February 2012, 16:33
oh dear, actually the same thing has just crossed my mind. I will have to check it out before posting. :((
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23rd February 2012, 16:42
I've just emailed Radio Times and await their reply. I have a feeling it will not be permitted. But, as Baldric said.......
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