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22nd February 2012, 19:27
Evening all! Or should that be bon soiree? Can you get the RT on subscription in France?
I thought 16a was obscure, after the kilt last week there seems to be a policy on a strange word every week. Thanks to Quick Solve for the answer. I didn't understand 1d even after I got the answer.
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22nd February 2012, 19:27
Bonne Soiree?
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22nd February 2012, 19:47
hi bees
First 3 letters are "fasten".
IR (Irish)
I'm not sure about "fresh" but looks as though that means the opening of the next word.
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old gal

22nd February 2012, 23:18
Good grief - what a very vivacious thread this week! Congrats Mondrian on finishing - I am green with envy! Welcome to Raymond and Angelmcm and all other new ones! Best hugs to navigator and pipesmoker and all other poorly ones! Am not doing so well this week but have some ideas I must Google plus thanks for all your clues. I dont think I have ever finished one by this new compiler and definitely feel a bit of a slowbrain compared with some of you! Wont ask for clues yet as sometimes lightning strikes later in the week. Am really enjoying the threads just lately!!! Kisses to all I have left out.....
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22nd February 2012, 23:46
Bees, bonsoir! Yes, we get our RT via subscription - costs an arm and a leg but it is the most loved and read magazine/newspaper in the house. By the end of the week it more resembles a piece of chewed string.... Well, a bit of old tat anyway. Thank you to all for words of welcome - much appreciated. Wish I had found you all before!
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23rd February 2012, 07:40
Good to see you old gal. This compiler really gave us some tricky ones .
re my post 33, it finally dawned on me last night that "on to fresh" = anagram 'on to'. (I still have a lot to learn)
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old gal

23rd February 2012, 09:47
Well still waiting for lightning strike! Am really not doing well so far so here goes: further clues please for:
12a,15a, 6d, 10d

If any of these are anagrams let me know - I did thing 12a was an anagram of trendy vibes but I am short a letter. Thanks in advance.
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23rd February 2012, 10:27
Hello again old gal
I thought 12a was a tricky one. It's a synonym for "vibes" or "trend" (less than trendy = remove the y)
6d anagram of "a stew"
15a a screen maybe that splits up a room.
Back in a minute. Neighbour just called !
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23rd February 2012, 10:30
back again
10d word meaning "more and more"
anag. of last two words in clue.
Hope this helps.
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old gal

23rd February 2012, 10:34
Thanks Jazzgirl, will go and have a ponder as I sand down the bathroom wall!!! Cant seem to get inside the mind of this compiler.....
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