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rob pendragon

9th June 2011, 20:18
25D - the amended passage has only four words (this threw me), but it will be easier if you have 24A.

24A - the D follows HAR - who would use steerage?
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9th June 2011, 20:19
24 - Think "skint" for the passage
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9th June 2011, 20:21
For 24ac, the word to be entered means "double", but it's not a common word (in Chambers). Steerage is the way you'd travel if you didn't have much money, so you're looking for a passage to tie in with that.

Once you've got 24ac, you should be able to get 25dn if you know where the break is.
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9th June 2011, 20:22
and Blue Peter/Jordan for 25
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9th June 2011, 20:37
ixion - can we rewind about 200 posts? Remember the discussion we had about 21dn, when AJT and I had a different answer which fitted perfectly? The word we had was "unkiss". Your post 28 guaranteed it was wrong!
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9th June 2011, 20:53
This thread is getting a bit unwieldy...that seems like a long time ago - I hope you're happy Araucaria!
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9th June 2011, 21:49
I came upon this site quite accidentally about a year ago. I've always been here in Canada solving on my own. I'd not ever really thought to look for outside help in solving. Once I found this forum, part of the fun of solving became resisting the urge to check the forum 'til I'm done, or at least very nearly done. But the discussions are so much fun to read, and everyone is so good at guidance rather than give-aways. With this puzzle, even once I'd cracked the code, I still needed help! To see this number of laterally-thinking minds working together towards a common goal has been truly delightful...
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9th June 2011, 22:24
I'd like to endorse that wholeheartedly. It has been a really great pleasure during the last couple of days to work together with such enjoyment on a real beast of a puzzle, with no-one giving the game away, a complete absence of snide remarks and ill-feeling,and no ego-trips. You're a lovely crowd.
Audrey T.
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10th June 2011, 04:48
...and we worship at the feet of the Great Araucaria...
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10th June 2011, 06:34
Got well stuck down south on this so tried to Google for some tips today and came up with this marvellous thread. Good to see that there is a load of like minded head bangers out there!

Echo completely the last couple of comments - you guys and gals are a lovely crowd. Hope to join in the fun sometime.

Araucaria - you really are the devil in disguise, oh yes you are.
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