please note...this will be my last posting on the matter.
Thank you for your comments. I am a bit concerned you thought I was "obscene." Rude,yes. I'll admit that.
Tommy T,
I am neither a bully or a coward, these traits are just not in my nature.I do not hide behind pseudonyms and I am very much all woman.
Btw, I did put out a general apology last night, before your little tirade.
Where do I start?
I have to admire your slavish devotion to your Tony.I imagine him as a wise old owl clutching his copy Ximenes, pontificating to the unwashed masses.
But, back to the point. Your accusation that I planning to post something abusive to his personal address is nonsense.
I actually did not think any sane person would put a real email address on such a public site.
I mistaking thought the mention of "Graudian"
was a joke...referencing the Private Eyes name for the Guardian.That is why I posted "wow...The Graudian" note the The.
And the "can we all contact?" meant, would he also enlighten others with his superior crosswords.
Yes, In reflection,thinking that Tony would possess a sense of humour was a bit silly.
Now, I admit that I find Tony's general tone arrogant to say the least. A superiority complex is something I can not abide.
Your Mentor postings are full of snide, condescending and patronising comments.
"AS you are speaking from a position of general ignorance..."
"the thread is too long to wade through."
"Please don't prevaricate."
My personal favourite is that Tony had to point out that lecturing duties called, he just couldn't say "I had to go to work".
And Lecturing can just be seen as glorified teaching...I say this from the position of being an ex Lecturer.
I like the saying "Those who can,do.Those who can't,teach."
Anyway I'm boring myself now...
Hopefully this posting has come over as snide and a bit was that effect I was aiming for...
Are you annoyed? Hope so!
Take care,